Chapter 36

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Ember was getting sick of waiting. She could tell everyone else in the rover was too, but she felt she was even worse than the others, now having gone more than 48 hours of sleep. Something that wasn't totally unusual for her, but still something she tried to avoid if she could.

"It's been three hours." Bellamy said, just as annoyed as Ember was. "What are they waiting for?"

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone." Kane said.

"I say we make a run for it." Monty pitched in.

"No." Kane said, looking out the back of the rover. "That's what they want us to do."

Indra looked to Monty. "The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can." Indra explained, Ember nodding in agreement.

"Okay, Bellamy. You get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you." Kane said.

Ember glanced back, hiding her worry for Bellamy as he said, "Copy that. Run fast." He popped his head out of the top, and Ember heard him said, "They're here."

Before the guy even got the chance to speak, Ember had opened the door of the rover, standing up on the door so she could see the guy, as she point her bow at him. She tried not to tremble when she noticed he had a knife to Bellamy's neck, and if she missed, he'd kill Bellamy instantly. "Everybody out, weapons down," He said, looking directly to Ember. She recognized his voice, but she couldn't put a face to it due to the mask he wore. "Or the boy dies."

He yanked Bellamy out of the hole, and Ember dropped her bow instantly, and threw her sword to the ground, not willing to risk Bellamy's life. She knew she still had her throwing knife, she just had to wait for the right moment to use it, one that wouldn't risk hurting Bellamy.

The others were yanked out of the rover, and Ember noticed that all of them wore masks. If she didn't know any better, she would have mistaken them for Grounders, but she knew better. There was no way that these guys were Grounders.

Everyone was shoved the ground, Ember included. She acted weak, slipping her hand into her pocket as she was shoved down. They held her down with their foot, a mistake Ember would take advantage of the second she got the opportunity. They moved a sword to her neck, but she could tell they didn't know how to use it at all, so she believed she could stop an attack before one started. "All targets secure!" She heard a woman yell.

When she noticed two of them going for Monty, she quickly flipped the person holding her down over and stabbed her in the thigh. A wound that was similar to one she had gotten months ago, one she knew wouldn't kill whoever they were. She pulled out two more throwing knives, moving in front of Monty and eyeing them dangerously. The one holding Monty ripped off the tracker, and tossed it to the people in front of her, making her confused. "Found it." The man said.

"It's mine. Give it back!" Monty demanded, but couldn't do much since he was being held with a knife to his throat. Ember was untouched though, glaring at the person.

"You heard my friend." Ember stated. "Give Monty it back or end up just like your friend on the ground over there."

"Monty?" Ember didn't turn to look at who spoke, but could see them from the corner of her eye.


Ember stayed in defensive mode, ready to attack as she noticed that everyone but Monty still had a weapon trained on them, Ember with several on her, but worried more about them than herself. Monty's mom slowly removed her mask, and ran over to Monty, hugging him tightly.

"Farm station, stand down."

"Pike?" Kane whispered.

Ember spun around, recognizing the name. She glared hatefully at the man, realizing this was who had a knife to Bellamy's throat and wishing she could stab him with no repercussions. She knew all about how much of a terrible person he was on the Ark, and knew he couldn't have changed much.

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