Chapter 96

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"Stop fighting, Bellamy snapped at Josephine. He had tied Tori and Josephine's wrists together and dragged them by the end of the rope. Tori hadn't struggled at all, her shoulder still ached and on top of that her head pounded.

Josephine glared at him. "Don't you get it, you're killing all five of us. Not to mention the rest of your friends and family when my father finds out." Josephine said. "Are they really worth all of that?"

Bellamy didn't reply, but he stopped walking as Tori let out a gasp and fell to the ground, starting to seize. Josephine rushed to her side, her nose bleeding, but she didn't care as she sat her sister up. Tori slowly calmed down, taking deep breaths. "It's getting worse. You have to take us home," Josephine said, looking up at Bellamy as he watched them carefully.

"If I take you home, you'll use an EMP and kill Ember and Clarke. I told you I won't let that happen."

"The Children of Gabriel won't help you," Josephine said, helping Tori back on her feet. "When they find out who we are, they won't just destroy our mind drives, they'll cut off our heads, and you'll have nothing."

Bellamy pulled out his knife, cutting into his thumb. He pressed his bleeding thumb over the blood under Tori's nose and then the cut on Josephine's forehead. "Let's make sure they don't find out."

"Look, I don't know what they taught you on that hunk of metal you grew up in, but where we're from, when someone tells you you're in danger, you listen."

Bellamy glanced at Tori then back to Josephine. "Yeah, we do that too, unless the people we care about are in trouble-" Josephine scoffed. "Then we do what has to be done. Now, come on. Let's go."

They started walking again, Josephine sticking close to Tori in case she fell again. "The people you care about are in trouble, I guess you just care about them more."

"Quiet," He said, giving a small tug on the rope. A flash of light filled the air, and people came out from behind the trees.

"You're in our woods! A long way from home,"

"It's okay," Bellamy said. "I need to see Gabriel."

Tori rolled her eyes as he said that, knowing it wouldn't work. Her headache started to ease, and she let out a small sigh of relief. "On the ground!" A man demanded.

"He needs to know what we know."

"God you're an idiot," Josephine snapped.

"Take them!"

People came up behind them, shoving them to the ground and placing bags over their heads.


The bags were ripped off of them, and Tori looked around at their surroundings. They were in a dark cave. "Ew, what is that smell?" Josephine asked.

Tori glanced down at the dead body as they passed it. "I have a pretty good guess," She muttered.

"Which one of you is Gabriel?" Bellamy asked loudly. "We have information critical to your cause."

"Their cause is a joke," Josephine replied. They were shoved forward at her comment, and the man in front of them turned around. Tori couldn't tell anything about him due to the mask he was wearing, but she was sure that was the point. "What did these people ever do to you? Let me guess, they refused reeducation?"

"Be quiet," Bellamy whispered over at her.

"Does their faith in the Primes really threaten you that much?" Josephine continued. "Do you think that dressing up in scary costumes helps your cause? We laugh at you in Sanctum."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now