Chapter 65

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It'd taken them three days to walk across what was once the ocean. Ember and Clarke talked about their personal lives as they dug up sand where the rover had been before praimfaya. They'd both come to realize that they didn't know anything about the other that hadn't happened around each other.

So they played a game of 21 questions as they dug up what they hoped to be the rover. "Favorite childhood memory?" Clarke asked.

Ember had to think about it for a while. When she had it in mind, a smile came to her face. "I was nine, it was a few weeks after I'd met Bellamy. The first time I went to his compartment. His mom was there, Aurora, and he introduced me to her by my real name. She welcomed me almost right away, and it didn't take long for her to trust me enough to bring Octavia out."

"Why is that your favorite memory?" Clarke asked, it wasn't anything special as far as she could tell. But after stopping to consider it, her's wasn't that special either.

"Growing up, my parents rarely referred to me by my actual name. Even at home it was Emma because they didn't want to risk me getting used to telling people my own name and get us caught. But Bellamy hadn't given me a chance. And Aurora liked me, the real me. I don't think I'd be the same if that hadn't happened. That moment made me realize that I could be my own person. That I was still Ember."

Ember had stopped digging and hadn't even realized it. She cleared her throat, still smiling. "Your turn. I want your favorite memory now."

Clarke didn't have to think about it like Ember did. "I was... fifteen. My mom, my dad, Jaha, and... Wells. We had this tradition of watching sports and playing some kind of game that night as a family. That night we were watching a baseball game and playing monopoly."

Clarke smiled, and Ember glanced over at her. Clarke had been so tense in the time they knew each other, it was nice to see her relax. "It was my dad and Wells favorite game. We spent five hours playing it that night. Nothing monumental happened, but it's always what I think back to when I need to cheer up."

"How long did you know Wells?"

"My whole life. Our parents were friends, so we were friends," Clarke replied. "My turn. How was your relationship with Emma growing up?"

Ember shoveled some sand out of the way. "For the most part it was good. I think it was great until I turned nine and our parents decided it was time I could start going out at her. After that I think Emma got kinda angry, especially because that day I met Bellamy. Our relationship became more toxic, and we argued more and more. By the time I got us caught, I feel like I just gave her the push she needed to hate me. Of course, we repaired that relationship."

She took a moment to think about her next question. "Least favorite person."

"Does Alie count?" Both girls laughed. "It changes quite a bit. On the Ark I would've said Kane just because he annoyed me. In the Sky Box and at the beginning, I would've said my mom. Then Lexa when she betrayed us, that changed of course, right now? I don't think I have a least favorite person."

They hit the top of the rover, and shared a short grin as they realized it wasn't totally useless to keep digging. "Stupid fear?"

Ember let out a chuckle, automatically thinking of her answer. "You know the lift at the tower? I was always afraid that it would randomly stop or fall or something like that. It was dumb, but that was my fear. Favorite member of the 100?"

"I hate to tell you this Ember, but it's not you."

Ember gasped, putting a hand up with mock hurt. "What do you mean?"

Clarke rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna have to go with a safe Monty. What about you?"

"Well that's an obvious one, Griffin. Octavia, obviously." Ember grinned, shoveling more sand away. "What's your favorite thing about your mom?"

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