Chapter 19

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Ember snuck into camp by herself, Wick turning the fence back on quickly after. "What's going on?" Ember asked Wick when she noticed a large crowd. She scanned the crowd for Clarke, spotting her with Finn near the back.

She slowly started to walk up to her, when Abby and Jaha exited the Ark and the the crowd went silent. "By now, you've all heard the rumor." She paused, and Ember stood behind Clarke and Finn, going unnoticed by the pair. "And unfortunately, it's true. The Grounders are coming. We have a difficult decision to make. Thankfully, Chancellor Jaha has found his way back to us, and we are discussing all options."

"But to be safe, you need to pack." He started to pace, unnerving some of the crowd. "Now. Whatever you can carry. We may need to leave at a moment's notice."

"Where will we go?" A man in the middle of the crowd asked.

"I don't know, is the answer. But I've heard of a place, a city of light. It's across the Dead Zone."

Ember scoffed. "Right, because we can make it across the Dead Zone." She commented, having a guy repeat her question louder, and Clarke turn around to look at her.

"Where have you been?" She whispered at Ember, who held up her pointer finger and listened to the discussion.

"We made it here." Jaha said. "I have faith. And right now, given the alternative, that's good enough for me."

"It's not enough for me." Ember protested loudly. She knew she was going to stand up for her people, and Clarke and Finn stood up proudly behind her. Raven made her way over, and joined her defense. "Not for us." She repeated, signalling to her friends. "If we leave here, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?"

Jaha looked over at Abby. "As Abby said, that is a very difficult decision to make. But the time has come for each and every one of us to ask, "Is this how the story of our people ends? Did we come all this way just to die tomorrow?" Because if we're not gone, by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen."

Abby made eye contact with Ember, who stood strong and kept her gaze. "No decision has been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisor, and gather emergency supplies."

The crowd dispersed, and Ember turned around to Clarke. "I don't have any time to explain, but I think I have a way to end the war. I just need you to come with me."

"Go where?" Clarke asked.

"The drop ship. I'll explain on the way, but if this works-" Ember didn't finish, unsure of how it could work. "Bring your med kit; meet me at Raven's gate."

She walked away, meeting Wick over at the gate. She waited impatiently for Clarke, bouncing out of the gate when she got into sight.

"So what is it?" Clarke asked, as they walked towards the drop ship.

Ember moved quickly, in a rush to get back to Octavia. She hated leaving her there, when she was probably struggling emotionally with what was going on. "It's Lincoln. He's a Reaper." She turned her head to Clarke. "If we can find a way to reverse the effects, we have something valuable to negotiate with."


They got to the top level of the drop ship, Ember getting pulled into a hug by Bellamy instantly, as she moved over to Octavia's side afterward. Lincoln jumped at Clarke as she got up, her flinching back. "It's okay. He's been restrained." Bellamy told Clarke.

"I can't believe we're back here again." Clarke said, as Ember glanced up at Lincoln, thinking back to the exact spot he was in, and the last time he was restrained like that.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant