Chapter 77

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Ember had Clarke distract the twins while she did the dirty work. She was fine with doing it, but she didn't want the twins to be influenced by what she was gonna do. Every decision she made in front of them would shape who they were so they couldn't see it.

While Madi was young, she knew right from wrong at her age. The twins were still learning. She grabbed the guy and tied him to a pole in the middle of the clearing. He was knocked out, so he didn't make any noise.

When she did the last step though, he screamed. The swords pierced through his chest, and Ember ran away, jumping up and over a rock as she crouched behind it. Clarke allowed the twins to come near her, and she kissed their heads quickly. "Whatever you do, do not raise your head up above this rock, okay?"

"Yes, mommy," Lincoln said for the both of them.

Ember nodded quickly. "Good." She placed the gun on the rock, looking through the scope.

"This isn't right," Madi said.

Ember glanced over at her. She agreed, these people hadn't done anything to them personally, but Clarke wanted to be prepared, and Ember listened. "Madi, I know. But this is our home, your home."

Madi looked down. "And they want to take it from us."

Clarke nodded. "That's right."

"But he doesn't have to suffer. We can kill him now, right?"

Clarke turned back to the gun. "Not yet."

It didn't take long for them to come after hearing him scream. Most of them stayed back, but one man continued to walk towards the man. Ember's finger moved to the trigger, but before she could do anything, Clarke fired.

The bullet hit him right in the head, and another man rolled undercover so he couldn't be hit. Nobody was in sight anymore. Ember looked around for someone, but they were all hiding.

Suddenly, one of them stood up, the large gun in his hand. "Run!" Ember yelled at the twins. It fired at them before they could, and Ember covered the twins with her body. They hadn't gotten the worst of it, they'd fired at the rock that Clarke and Madi were hiding behind.

"They'll be coming for us," Ember said. "You two help Madi, I'll help Clarke."

They ran over to the two, the twins lifting up Madi and Ember grabbed Clarke's arm, wrapping it around her and running.


"We can make it to the north cave. Come on," Ember said.

Clarke groaned, and they all stopped. Clarke pulled her hand away from her side, it was covered in blood. "You're hurt," Madi said, glancing back at them.

"No time," Clarke said. "We have to hide you guys,"

Clarke knew that her and Ember could protect themselves, but the kids needed to be hidden. Clarke and Ember would do better if they didn't have to worry about protecting them.

"Right here," Ember said. There was a hole in the ground covered by tree branches and leaves. "You need to get in here."

"Not without you guys," Lincoln said.

Ember shook her head. "There is no time to argue about this. Get in, now. We'll lead them away."

Madi and Lincoln got inside, but Tavia crossed his arms stubbornly. "No!"

Ember sighed, kneeling in front of Tavia. "Say bye to your siblings. If you're coming with you better be ready to run."

"I need you guys to stay out of sight, no matter what. Promise us."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now