Chapter 52

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It had been 9 days since Ember had destroyed the City of Light. 9 days since she had taken the Flame. Currently, she was asleep. Since taking the Flame she'd been sleeping much better than before. In her dreams is where she met with the past Commanders, where she saw Lexa.

Nobody knew she was dreaming of them. She didn't think anyone needed to. She wasn't even sure how she'd tell people, especially Clarke. In her dreams they all sat at a round table, everyone had an equal voice, even though when Ember was awake she had full control.

She sat next to Lexa, her open seat was always next to Lexa. At first, she assumed it was because they sat in order, Becca sat on her other side, but everyone else mixed it up, so she figured it was just to make her comfortable.

She appreciated it. Even though all of the people in her dreams had once had the Flame in them, they all had very different, some conflicting, personalities.

"I just don't understand why you don't want to be Commander," Archer said. He was the most set in his ways, stubborn and usually angry when he doesn't get his way. In the past few days, he'd gotten angry at Ember on multiple occasions for not stepping into the Commander position.

"It's tradition," he'd say, it which all Ember could do was roll her eyes. "That's what the Flame was made for," He would add, a dig at her for not being Commander. "Maybe you find a different Nightblood who does want to be Commander."

"How many times does she have to explain this?" Jordan groaned, leaning back in her seat. She was the second Commander, impatient and usually straight to the point. She had only been Commander for a year before she was stabbed and killed in battle.

Jordan was Commander is a short Era on the ground who didn't believe in the Flame. Becca had come out of nowhere and told them about it, but a lot of people didn't think it was fair that only a Nightblood could lead.

Via leaned back in her seat, sighing. She looked at Ember accusingly. Via was the youngest of the Commanders at the table, killed at sixteen. She was the 25th Commander, seven before Lexa. "You know, before you got here we actually got things done at these meetings."

Cago stood up, his chair squeaking underneath him. "Via, do not make us remove you from the meetings again." He glanced at Ember apologetically. "I'm sorry, this is new for all of us."

"Ember can consider being Commander once she finds a way to save our people," Lexa spoke up. Usually, she was quiet at these meetings, but she was getting annoyed with the same conversation every night. "Isn't that what's most important?"

"You don't understand Lexa, the Flame is meant to help a Commander, not just some girl who decided she could take it. She didn't even compete." Ryder growled out. He was the snappiest out of all the Commanders, and he usually talked the most out of everyone at the meeting.

"Seeing as I'm the only known Nightblood at the moment, I'd say that makes me an ideal candidate," Ember commented. "And I didn't just decide I could take it. I can be an advisor, there is a first time for everything, you just don't like change."

"Guys, we're not getting anything done, again," Becca said. Everyone went silent when she spoke. She usually only spoke to direct the conversation in certain directions. "We're here to help Ember, as with every Commander that's taken the Flame."

"Just because she isn't the Commander on Earth, Ryder doesn't make her any less of one than you. You served as Commander for how long? A month?"

"Shut up, Lexa!"

Ember pressed a hand to her temple. "You're all acting like children,"

"Maybe if you left we could actually get something done,"

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