Chapter 74

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Today was the day. Ember was the first one up per usual, but she wasn't tired. That morning, even the Commanders had been active, all pitching in with something to say. But Ember couldn't focus enough to listen to any of them.

Ember couldn't even bring herself to eat. When Clarke woke up she started to fix breakfast for the two of them, but Ember couldn't even look at hers without her stomach turning into knots. Clarke knew what today was, so she didn't insist that Ember eat anything.

When Clarke left to go talk into the radio every morning like usual, Ember didn't say anything like she normally did. Clarke was used to hearing some kind of crack about it when she was going to go, but this morning Ember only gave her a smile and wished her well.

By the time the kids woke up, Ember couldn't stop looking at the sky, as if any second something would happen. It was cloudy that day, the sun blocked by the grey clouds that looked like it was about to burst any second. A rainy day, the kids will be thrilled. The twins loved rain. But on that day, Ember wished the sky was clear.

Lincoln ran over to Ember, tugging on her hand until she looked down at him instead of up at the sky. "Mommy, Tavia and I wanna go for a walk."

"Why don't you see if Madi will take you guys?"

"But Tavia doesn't get along with Madi. I don't wanna hear them argue." Lincoln crossed his arms, his lips turning down to a frown.

Ember kneeled down in front of him. "Then play peacekeeper for the morning. Please, kiddo? Just for the day."

Lincoln sighed, turning away from his mom. "Fine, just for the day."

He left, and Ember turned her attention back to the sky. Any minute.

When Clarke got back, the only person at camp was Ember. She was laying on one of the tables and didn't even take notice of Clarke as she walked up to her.

Clarke slowly sat down one of the chairs. "Ember," Clarke said, placing her hand on her arm. "They'll come down, don't worry."

Ember shrugged her shoulders, biting her lip. "I know. They have Raven." She sat up on the table, glad Clarke wasn't scolding her about it for once. "I just- I wanna be the first ones to greet them when they come down."

"You will. None of us will take that from you. Madi's too nervous, Lincoln will be too busy clinging onto you, and well... you know Tavia."

Ember smiled slightly. "I'm worried Lincoln will go running his mouth. How do I tell Bellamy he has kids? I mean, we've never even talked about it."

Clarke smiled gently. "He'll handle it. I'm sure he'll love them. I mean, who couldn't?"

"But what if he's mad I didn't tell him?"

Clarke shook her head. "You were waiting for the end of the world to be over. Bellamy will understand that."

"I hope," Ember replied. "I hope the twins like him."

"I hope they're not overwhelmed. Tavia can barely handle the four of us, how is she gonna handle all those people?"

"She'll just cling onto you or me. Make us do all the talking," Ember said, glancing over at Clarke. "Tavia can handle herself."

"I know she can."


At dinner time, Ember didn't want to join the others by the fire. Clarke had insisted though, telling her that the twins were worried. They knew what day it was, but they didn't understand why every second that passed by with nothing happening was stressing her out.

All they knew what she was growing more stressed by the second. Her foot bounced on the ground and she glanced quickly up at the sky every few seconds. Her dinner laid in front of her untouched.

After dinner, Clarke played cards with the twins as Madi practiced against a tree with her sword. "What's wrong with Mommy?"

Clarke glanced over at Ember, glad she was too focused on the sky to hear with Lincoln said. "She's just worried."

"About Bellamy?" Tavia asked. She and Lincoln we're different when it came to addressing him. Lincoln called him "daddy" while Tavia had only ever used his name. Clarke had asked her about it once, and she said that she never met him, and didn't wanna use that title until she knew he was a good guy.

"Yeah, and the others."

Lincoln set his cards down on the ground. "Are they dead?"

Clarke shook her head quickly. "No." While Clarke believed it, she wasn't sure if Ember did. Ember hadn't even had much faith about it the last five years, but now Clarke wondered if the last of it was gone. "They'll probably just be down a little late."

Lincoln nodded slowly, reaching back up and grabbing his cards. "I wanna meet my daddy. I hope they come down."

Clarke set her cards down, standing up from the table. "They will. I'm gonna go check on your mommy, I'll be back."

She walked over to Ember, trying to get Ember's attention as she walked closer. "Em... you're making the kids worried."

"They're not coming," Ember replied, her voice a small whisper as she pulled her legs up onto the log with her.

"They didn't have a lot of fuel to get up there, maybe they're still thinking of a way down. They're alive. I know it."

Ember turned to Clarke a tear slipping for her eyes. "The twins are never going to meet their dad."

"Don't talk like that. They're coming down. They'll meet him."

"Maybe," Ember replied, turning away from Clarke. "You know, I think I'm gonna turn in for the night. Put the twins to bed for me?"

Clarke sighed. "Sure."


This is the last chapter before we start season 5! I'm super excited you guys!

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