Chapter 81

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Ember's head was on Bellamy's shoulder as they stared at the screen. Ember wasn't even sure what they were looking for, but she hadn't wanted to leave Bellamy alone. The twins were in the corner asleep, neither understanding why Ember didn't want them to go sleep in the tent with Clarke, but not protesting, they liked being with Ember more.

The door to the room opened loudly, and Ember glanced over to back sure the twins were still asleep before looking at who came in. Harper raised an eyebrow at the both of them. "You guys have been staring at that all night. You guys should go get some sleep. Ember, the kids shouldn't have to sleep in the corner. I got this."

"It's been eight hours. Raven could have built a cathedral by now."

"They'll get it done," Harper said softly, not wanting to wake the kids up. She'd only shortly talked to Lincoln, and hadn't talked to Tavia, but the goggles that Lincoln wore constantly were all she needed to see before loving them.

"We know," Bellamy replied. His hand intertwined with Ember's. "I just wish it was me over there."

The door opened again, Octavia and Indra coming in. Ember glanced over her shoulder and smiled once she realized that Indra was back on her feet. "Well?" Octavia asked loudly, then turned her head towards the twins and realized they were here. "Any word?" She asked quieter.

Ember bit her lip and turned her head back towards the screen, Bellamy tightening his grip on her hand. "We knew it would take some time," Harper said. "We can count on Echo."

"Wouldn't be the first time she betrayed us," Octavia said under her breath.

Indra moved further into the room. "If your siblings-" Ember and Bellamy shared a quick look "-trust her maybe we should too."

Octavia eyed Bellamy, who hadn't turned to look at them since they'd walked in. "You're still upset we shot the traitors." Bellamy tensed up, and Ember squeezed his hand. "I get how that must look to you, but we're fighting for our lives here, Bellamy. The hydrofarm is on its last legs." She started to walk closer to them. "Truth is, it's a miracle you guys showed up when you did." She placed her hand on Bellamy's shoulder. "I haven't thanked you enough for that. If we can just get to Shallow Valley, things will be better. I promise."

"Funny, that's the same thing we said about getting back to the ground," He turned his head to look at his sister. "Then we found you."

Octavia's face fell, and Ember bit her lip, not wanting to say anything that would further upset either sibling. Octavia turned without another word and left, Indra behind her. As the door closed behind them, Harper said, "Your sister officially scares me."


Ember passed by Madi on her way to Clarke's tent. "Hey!" She said, stopping her and smiling down at her. She noticed a tiny braid in her hair she was sure Clarke did. "Heading to training?"

Madi smiled, but Ember realized quickly that it didn't really reach her eyes. "Yep,"

She was lacking her usual enthusiasm, which Ember took notice of. "What's wrong kiddo?"

"Clarke knows there's nothing to do now about hiding the truth. But she wants me to suck at training. But they know you taught me and Tavia, there's no way they'll believe it."

Ember shook her head. "Clarke's just trying to protect you. She doesn't want to put you at risk. But you're only at risk if I don't please the people, and I can do that if it means keeping you all safe. Try as much as you want to, show them all how strong you are for me, okay?"

Madi nodded quickly. "Okay, are you coming?"

Ember shook her head. "I'll be there later. I have some things I gotta do first. Look after the twins until I get there, alright?"

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now