Chapter 98

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Madi woke up silently. She knew exactly where she was, even without haven't to look at where she was. The pain in her arm was answer enough. She didn't know how long they'd been taking her bone marrow for now, but she felt like they'd taken too much in too little time.

She opened her eyes cautiously, already thinking of a plan. Sheidheda had given her his opinion on what she should do, but she couldn't help but wonder: how would Ember fix this? Ember wouldn't go about this with anger, but that's what Sheidheda wanted her to do.

She glanced to her left. Jackson had his back turned to her, staring at some vials of her bone marrow. Looking to her other side confirmed her worst fears.

Lincoln and Tavia were in worse shape than her, Tavia whimpering in pain in her sleep as Lincoln slept quietly, his face twisted up tightly. It was one thing for them to do this to her, but she would do whatever she could to stop them from continuing to do this to her siblings.

"Doctor Jackson?" She murmured, needed him to get closer.

"I'm here, Madi."

She glanced down at her hand, her head heavy as it hurt to angle it that way. "I can't feel my hand. Something's wrong." She picked her breathing up, hoping to convince him. "Please help. I can't feel it. I can't breathe."

He moved over quickly, undoing the restraint on her arm. "Madi, it's okay."

He went to undo the other restraint. She picked up the scalpel at her side and then slashed it into his arm. She realized immediately she should have waited for him to finish the other restraint as she struggled to undo it.

Jackson moved back over to him with a sedative in her hand. She swiped at him again but missed, and he stabbed the sedative into her leg.

When she closed her eyes, she was back in front of Sheidheda. "Why didn't you let me go for the throat like we talked about? I thought you wanted revenge." She knew he wouldn't like it if she said it was because of Ember, because of her need to protect those she cared about. He moved a chess piece in front of him. "Your move."

"Because Jackson is innocent. He's one of us."

"One of you? He's draining your marrow as we speak. Your sibling's marrow."

She glared across the table at him, reaching for her own piece. "Let's just play the game." She took one of his pieces.

"Chess isn't a game. A lesson in strategy and you're not paying attention." he stood up, moving a piece. "Checkmate. Jackson is a pawn. If you killed him, we'd be free right now and on our way to the palace to kill the people who murdered Ember and Clarke. Instead, we'll now likely die with them, so well done."

Anger embraced Madi, and she stood up, swiping the pieces off of the table. "What do you want from me?"

He stood up and lowered his own good. "I want you to rule this world as I did the last. I want you to kill everyone who gets in your way. I want you to get revenge for Clarke and Ember."

They both sat back down. "Tell me what I have to do."


Ember woke up a few hours later, now on a bed. It was dark outside, and Clarke was asleep, but Bellamy was awake at her side. She let out a small groan, her head pounded. Bellamy got up on his feet quickly, looking down at Ember. "Hey," He said, giving a smile.

Her eyes burned, but she refused to close them as she looked up at Bellamy. "Hey." She bit her lip, admiring the freckles along his cheeks. "Clarke?"

"She's okay," Bellamy replied. "How are you feeling?"

Ember brought her hand up and stroked Bellamy's chin. "I'm alright. Thank you for saving me."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now