Chapter 76

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Emma swung her sword through the air at Miller with determination. It clashed against his but she didn't stop to think as she swung again. Miller blocked each attack, and when she stumbled back he tried to hit her finally.

She ducked under his sword, kicking his knee. He didn't fall because she didn't have the strength of her sister, but he groaned from the impact, his leg hurting. He swiped at Emma as she stood back up, but she jumped back with a gasp, the sword narrowly missing her.

She swung again groaning from the weight of the sword that she still wasn't used to. She grabbed with both hands onto her sword to try and get a heavier attack, and it worked. When it hit Miller's sword, he dropped it to the ground with a clatter.

She pushed him to the ground, her sword at his throat. "Good," Octavia said. Emma took a step back, letting Miller get back up. "Not as good as preferred, but you're getting there," She told Miller.

Emma bowed her head slightly. She'd been spending most of her days with Octavia, learning how to fight and becoming a warrior at her side. Making her sister proud. Just a week ago, Octavia had promoted her, and now she was in charge of training others. "The delegates have assembled," Indra said, coming into the doorway.

"Dressing me up doesn't fool anyone," Octavia told Indra. "I didn't fight in the conclave, and my blood is red, and it always will be."

Indra shot Miller and Emma a look. Miller nodded, and left the room. Emma glanced at Octavia, who nodded her permission and Emma took off after Miller. Emma knew she didn't have long, she'd have to be at that meeting as the Skaikru delegate. "Hey!" She called after him in the halls. "I'm sorry I kicked your ass in there. You're getting good."

"Not as good as I need to be," He replied. "I'm good with a gun. I didn't start using a sword until we got put in this bunker."

Emma shrugged, her sword hitting her thigh as she walked. "It just takes some getting used to. You're a fast learner."

Miller shook his head. "Not fast enough."

"Miller, I'd like to call us friends so I'm gonna be blunt with you. Stop trying to live up to your dad. He was a good soldier. But so are you."

He turned to look at Emma, shaking his head quickly. "Don't talk to me about my dad."

He stormed away from her, and she let out a sigh before heading to the meeting. She took one of the three last open seats, and it didn't take long for Octavia and Indra to come as well. The meeting went into full swing quickly.

"Cabor of Delphikru stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!:

"A brazen lie!"

The woman scoffed. "There are witnesses his guilt is not in question. By Sangedakru law he should be stoned and his family cast out."

"And on the Ark he would have been floated," Kane said from beside her. Emma rolled her eyes, and Octavia kicked her under the table. "But surely here, we can instill a justice system where the punishment fits the crime."

"The crime was against us and our justice should prevail."

"So much for Wonkru," Octavia muttered under her breath. This time, Emma kicked her. Octavia shook her head slightly, masking a smile. Before the bunker, neither of them could picture the two of them getting along. But somehow, they'd grown together, Emma blamed it on Ember not being there. They'd bonded over the distance with her was causing.

"Skairipa is right," Indra said. "There are no separate clans here. You do well not to forget that."

The woman folded her hands together on the table. "All right. Then what punishment does Skairipa impose?"

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