Chapter 80

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Ember sat across from Octavia, patching up the wound on her arm. All the kids were with her, Madi and Tavia wanting to train more, and Lincoln just not wanting to be apart from her. Madi took one look at the wound and her eyes went wide. "Gross,"

Ember rolled her eyes. "Madi," she looked at Octavia when she finished unwrapping it. "The infection's passing, but this is gonna hurt."

She picked up the bottle of alcohol. "Are you sure you don't want Jackson? Or Clarke? I'm not a doctor."

"They're tending to Indra and the others in medbay. Just do it."

She poured some alcohol onto a cloth and pressed it to the cloth. Octavia exhaled quickly, tensing up. Deciding to distract her, Ember smiled at her best friend. "Madi and Tavia are big fans. They've heard every story about the girl under the floor who helped save the human race."

She turned her head, looking at Madi. "Now what's your story? You survived six years of radiation? What's your secret?"

Madi's eyes shifted to Ember, Clarke had made sure to tell her that nobody was to know she was a real nightblood. "Synthetic nightblood, like Clarke." She hated lying to Octavia, but Clarke had told her it would be best. "We took her to Becca's lab and Clarke shared her bone marrow to keep her alive since I was pregnant at the time."

"You're lucky Clarke and Ember found you," She said, then directed her attention to Tavia. "I hear you're named after me."

Tavia nodded quickly, not seeming near as shy with her whole family there and the only stranger being Octavia. "I wanna be a warrior too! Just like you and mommy!"

Octavia grinned, about to reply when Emma walked in. Ember glanced up at her sister, not really having a chance to talk to her yet and unsure if she wanted to. There was a lot different about Emma, which Ember couldn't blame anyone for. There was a lot different with everyone. "Ready to move?" She asked Octavia.

"I'd recommend another day's rest."

Emma glared at her sister. "She needs to be with her people." Ember wasn't sure if that was a dig. An attack on the fact that Ember had abandoned all of them six years ago, without even saying goodbye to her sister.

"I'm done licking my wounds," Octavia told Ember. "Let's go remind the others what we promised them."

Emma moved across the room, grabbed Octavia's armor and helping her put it on. She grabbed Ember's arm. "From the ashes," She grinned when Ember grabbed Octavia's forearm back. "We will rise."

Octavia and Emma left, and as soon as the door was closed, Madi grinned at Ember. "Octavia's such a badass." Ember wanted to scold her for her language, but decided to let her get away with it this time. "I wish we didn't have to lie to her."

Ember smiled softly. "Me too. But, we both know what Clarke would say. We have to lie to everyone to keep you safe." She kneeled down in front of Madi. "And I can see where she's coming from. I may have the flame for now, but anything can happen. The people they'd go to next to be commander is the twins. She doesn't want to put you at risk too."

"Clarke said she's worried some of Wonkru might try to replace Octavia with you."

Ember bit her lip. "I can't get caught up in a power struggle, especially when I have the three of you to care for. I can't lead anymore."


Octavia walked out into the rain with Emma right behind her. Some people eyed Octavia as she walked, some with apprehension and others neutral. Emma sped up her pace to walk beside Octavia, something she hadn't done in months. "Hundreds are still refusing to come out of the bunker, afraid they'll be bombed in the streets."

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