Chapter 100

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TW: Suicidal action


Niylah was the first to talk. "Clarke, Ember, Abby, what are you doing?"

Indra didn't look away from her Ember. "That's not them."

"Very good," Clarke said, continuing to point her gun at Madi's head, her finger not on the trigger. "Seems we got our nightblood despite what I'm told you did with Kane." Right, Ember hadn't been paying attention when Russell told them that. Kane was dead. That didn't matter much to Ember, but she wished he hadn't died. "Now you have three seconds to stand down."

"Or what?" Indra asked in return, and Ember knew that trying to negotiate with her wouldn't go over well. "If you kill them, we kill you. You didn't think this through."

Clarke pointed her gun to Gaia, even though Russell still had his gun at the back of her head. "One... two..."

"Weapons down now!" Indra commanded, and all of the grounders started to set their weapons on the ground.

Ember glanced at Russell. "Told you. Ember's memories may suck, but they do come in handy."


Their guards shoved the grounders into the room. "Indra, what is this?"

"Just stay calm," She replied.

When they all got inside, Ember turned the corner, her gun at Madi's head. Her twins were being held by Russell, and she had to only hope that his morals stopped him from harming them any more than he already had.

"How many more of you are awake?" Simone asked, her gun trained on Raven's head.

"None," Indra replied.

"Are you sure?" Ember asked. She didn't put it past Indra to lie to them. "We'll sweep the ship."

Simone added on to her threat. "Anyone we find dies, and for each of them, so does one of you." Clarke didn't care if that was Abby's body, she was going to kill her. "Care to amend your answer?"


Russell grabbed Madi from Ember, switching her for the twins. Ember filled with worry, and watched carefully, ready to give it all up if he went to harm her. "Okay, you're their leader, so here's the situation. We're setting sail for planet Beta. It's a twenty-year journey."

He started to undo the restraints on Madi's wrists, and Ember glanced worriedly over at Clarke. Was Sheidheda or Madi in control? "You can take it with us peacefully in cryo..." Ember started to undo her kid's restraints and the others did too.

"Save Madi," Clarke whispered to Gaia. "We'll take care of the rest."

"Or you can die today," Russell finished. They let go of the prisoners. "We'll give you an hour to decide."

The twins seemed to hesitate to leave Ember's side, but after a small nudge from her, they ran over to Raven. As soon as Madi was moving away from Russel, she pulled the gag out of her mouth. "Attack!"

The grounders that listened didn't stand a chance. Ember flinched and moved over to Clark as their guards shot the grounders that moved at her order. "Josie..." She nudged Clarke and signaled with her head over to Simone, the angry look on her face.

Clarke was moving over to Madi as Simone raised her gun, seemingly unknowing as she stepped between the two. "No one gives orders here but us." The grin that Madi gave in return was all Sheidheda and not Madi, and that made it slightly easier for her to punch Madi in the face and knock her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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