Chapter 45

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"I don't understand it either,' Monty said, pacing back and forth across the cave. They had been heading back to camp when they had gotten a frantic call from Jasper. The chip Raven had taken, the whole camp had taken, and now it wasn't safe. "Something about those chips."

Ember stood next to Bellamy, her sister sitting beside them. "We'll know soon enough. Be ready," Sinclair replied.

Octavia stood up quickly, gathering her stuff together. "O, wait." Bellamy said, moving over to his sister. "You can't just leave."

"Watch me."

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio, Arkadia is not safe."

Octavia scoffed. "What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone. I can handle myself." She put her pack over her shoulder, stating, "Grounders burn their dead."

"I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?"

"You don't get to ask me that."

Bellamy sighed. "What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?"

Ember started to slowly walk over. "Bring Lincoln back." She stormed away, but then turned around. "Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save Ember and I. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong."

"The grounders, were starving us out."

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us!"

Bellamy scoffed. "That army could have attacked us at any time and you know it."

"But they didn't attack. You did that. You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences, Bell. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe's dead. Lincoln, is dead."

"O, be safe." Ember was finally in front of Octavia, stopping her from leaving once again.

Octavia met Ember's eyes, pulling her into a quick hug. "I'm sure if you need me, you'll have no problem finding me. May we meet again."

Ember didn't repeat the phrase, instead watching Octavia walk out. Once she was gone, she grabbed Bellamy's hand to comfort him. "She'll be fine. Octavia can handle herself."

Ember tugged Bellamy forward a bit, out of the cave, so he could watch Octavia go and maybe hopefully understand that she would be okay. Octavia needed to be by herself to mourn. Bellamy wrapped his arm over Ember's shoulder to pull her in close, as Miller said, "They're here."

Reaching her hand up, she laced her fingers together with Bellamy's. Clarke came out of the rover, and Ember let out a sigh of relief. Ember was glad Clarke had gotten out of Polis okay, she wasn't sure who the new commander was, but chances were they'd be against Skaikru. She seemed surprised to see Ember, maybe Ember and Bellamy together, as she stalled to stare at them. "A little help here!" Jasper yelled.

Jasper ran with Raven in his arms. "We have to get her inside before she wakes up!"

"Were you followed?" Bellamy asked, as they came closer.

"Maybe," Jasper replied. "I don't know."

Bellamy detached himself from Ember, Moving forward and helping Jasper move Raven. "Get her here," Ember instructed, running into the cave.

"Octavia, come on." Ember heard Clarke say. "We need you."

"Clear some space," Ember told Sinclair, standing beside the boys as they held Raven.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now