Chapter 69

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Nobody told Ember that taking care of a newborn would be as much work as it was. Let alone two. "How were my parents so successful with keeping Emma and I quiet?" Ember asked Clarke with an eye-roll. They'd only been born a week ago, and Ember couldn't remember the last time she slept. She was thankful for Clarke and Madi to help her with the twins so she could get some sleep, even if it was only an hour long nap in the middle of the day.

"Your parents knew it was a matter of life or death," Clarke replied. "We know that if nobody hears them cry, no harm comes to them."

The first twin had been born in the middle of the night, kicking and screaming on his way out. The next one was born what felt like days later to her but was actually only an hour. She was more calm, crying but not putting up too much of a fuss.

They'd been thinking of names together a lot lately. They couldn't agree on a name for the first twin, the boy. So what they ended up with was Lincoln Finn Blake. The girl had been harder to name. They'd ended up giving her two middle names because Ember wanted both her mom and Bellamy's mom to be in the name. Tavia Bella Aurora Jones had ended up being what Ember decided.

She wasn't sure what last name to give them, so she played it safe and gave one of them the last name Blake and the other Jones. Currently, she held Lincoln as Clarke held Tavia. Tavia was fine with being held by any of the three, but Lincoln cried whenever Ember wasn't holding him.

At first, Ember found it cute, but now she just wished Lincoln would calm down when she handed him off to Clarke or Madi.

Madi ran into the building, looking around at them before settling her eyes on Ember. They'd only just started to tell Madi things about them, The months that had been going by were all about establishing trust, they didn't want to scare her off by telling the seven-year-old about their past. It was only a few weeks ago that she told Madi she had the Flame.

But now, Madi wanted Ember to train her.

Ember agreed, but the issue with that was the day after she had the twins Madi wanted to start. She was too young to understand that Ember didn't want to do it yet, and she didn't have the heart to tell the seven-year-old no. But Clarke had convinced her to wait a week, so Ember could heal from giving birth.

That hadn't meant much to Ember though, who went running every morning while Clarke watched the twins to get her fit body back. Ember hated that pregnancy had put more meat on her bones. Sure, she wasn't just bones which she was happy about, but being pregnant had made her exhausted super easy. So now, she wanted her old body back.

"Are we ready?" Madi asked, bouncing up and down on her heels.

They'd been trying to teach her English, but it was a long process and they hadn't gotten much done. She could understand simple things in English, but couldn't say it without a lot of thought or understood them if they talked too quickly. Ember glanced at Clarke. "Can you handle the twins without me?"

Clarke nodded, glancing at Tavia who was already asleep. "Just be back to feed them in an hour and I'll see if I can handle the rest."

Ember gave Clarke an appreciative smile. She glanced down at Lincoln. "Please don't start crying. I'm begging you."

Clarke set Tavia down in the makeshift crib they'd made, moving her slowly so she wouldn't wake up. Lincoln was close to it, but Ember was almost positive shifting him into Clarke's arms would wake him up and he'd start to cry.

She shifted Lincoln into Clarke's arms as carefully as possible, and thankfully he was too tired to care. He let out a small cry, but after that he calmed down, his eyes shutting. "Thanks, Clarke, you're amazing."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя