Chapter 71

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Clarke had jinxed them. Almost a week prior she had said late one night that they were lucky the twins seemed to miss their terrible twos. That morning, Ember had never had so much trouble with them as she was having then.

Madi and Clarke had gone hunting, so it was just Ember and the twins. Normally, she didn't have an issue with that, but today she wished she had asked them to stay and help.

Lincoln was bouncing up and down on his bed, and Tavia clung onto Ember and cried whenever Ember took even a step away from her. Ember sighed, sitting Tavia down on her bed, her hands placed delicately on her shoulders. "Sweetie, I need you to calm down. I need to get your brother changed."

Ember went to take a step away but Tavia gripped onto her arm. "No!"

Ember sighed, standing still for a moment and then looked at Lincoln. "Lincoln stop jumping on the bed!" She kneeled down in front of Tavia. "It'll only be for a minute. I'll be right back."


Pursing her lips, she thought about what to do. "Okay, thankfully you're still small enough to do this." She lifted Tavia up, balancing her on her hip before moving over to Lincoln.

She reached out to grab Lincoln, and he pushed against her, screaming, "Get away!"

"Goddammit Clarke, why did you have to jinx them?" Ember muttered to herself.

Lincoln grinned, bouncing on the bed. "Goddammit!"

"No! That's a bad word, Lincoln. Clarke will kill me if she learns I taught you a bad word."

Lincoln stopped bouncing, looking Ember dead in the eye. He giggled as a smile came onto his face. "Goddammit!" He went back to jumping, and Ember groaned, glad that Tavia hadn't started to say it too. It was the first time she was happy that Tavia wasn't much of a talker.

"Lincoln, don't make me put you in timeout," Ember said, staring at her son.

He glanced at her. "Make me!"

She grabbed him off the bed, and he thrashed in her arm. He accidentally kicked Tavia, and she started to cry because of it.

Ember sighed loudly, moving over to the corner and setting Lincoln down. "Stay here and calm down."

She took a few steps away and set Tavia down too, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Sweetie, can you be strong for mommy?"

Tavia continued to cry, looking down at her leg. Ember leaned down and kissed it, then placed her hand over where she assumed the injury was. "See, all better! Mommy kissed it better!" She removed her hand, showing her that there was no mark. Tavia sniffled, and Ember wiped a tear off her cheek. "All better?"

After a small nod, she rubbed her eyes. She then looked past Ember at her brother and pointed at him. "Mommy!"

Ember glanced behind her, seeing that Lincoln had moved from the corner of the room back to his bed, and was getting to his feet. His eyes went wide when he realized she was staring at him. "Lincoln Finn Blake, do not jump on that bed."

"Or what?" He asked, bouncing on his heels as if fighting the urge to jump.

"Lincoln, just let me get you changed and then we can go run around outside, okay?"

He crossed his arms and his lips went down into a frown as Tavia clung onto Ember's leg. "But-"

"Lincoln!" Ember pointing at him as she took a small breath to calm down. "When Clarke and Madi get back we can go to the lake, but only if you behave,"

Lincoln got off the bed, sitting down at the edge of it. "Promise?"

Ember nodded quickly. "Promise."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now