Chapter 17

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Ember dropped her sword off outside of camp, knowing they'd take it from her the minute she got into camp. She and Octavia helped Monroe walk, and Bellamy walked beside Mel in front of them. The gates to the camp opened, and Ember watched them take Bellamy's gun away.

She glared at the guard when he walked over to her. "I don't have any weapons." She watched as they disregarded Octavia, scoffing when she realized that she got to keep her sword on her.

Abby walked up to the group, making sure they were all okay. "I know you." She said to Mel. "Factory station. Where are the others?"

"There are no others." Mel said.

At Abby's confusion, Ember stepped forward, right at Bellamy's side. "Found her a day from here. No survivors, lots of supplies."

Abby nodded slowly. "Get her to medical." She told one of the guards that stayed, before escorting Monroe off herself.

Ember turned around to face Bellamy and Octavia. "So, what's-" She was cut off as a body crashed into hers. She noticed that Bellamy and Octavia were both smiling, and Ember quickly realized who was hugging her when she saw the blonde hair. "Clarke!"

She grinned in disbelief, pulling out of the hug slowly. "I'm so glad you're okay!" Clarke told her quickly. "I was worried that when we closed the doors-"

"I'm fine! You scared me to death Griffin!" She pausd, biting her lip. "Emma?"

Clarke's smile slipped, as she gave the Blake's a hug each. "She made it out with me, but I haven't seen her since."

Ember let out a breath of relief, there was more hope than she had had previously, and that was enough for her. "How many are with you?" Bellamy asked.

Clarke sighed, shaking her head slightly. "None." Raven joined them, and ignoring her brace, knowing that was probably what Raven would want, Ember pulled her into a tight hug, glad she was okay. "Where's Finn?"

The three exchanged looks. "Looking for you."


Emma wandered through the woods, stopping suddenly when she heard noises ahead of her. She crouched down, realizing the only beneficial thing about her being barefoot was how it was quieter.

She moved over, recognizing two people crouching behind a bush. "Finn!" She whisper yelled, making both Murphy and Finn turn around, Murphy pointing his gun at her.

"Ember?" Finn asked, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.

Murphy shook his head. "No, that's not Ember. Emma, how are you here?"

"Not important." She said, waving them off as she moved in between them. "What are we looking at?"

"Grounder camp. I counted 28." Murphy turned to Finn. "These people don't look like warriors, Finn. And there's kids. Old people. There's nothing big enough here to hold our friends."

Emma scrunched up her eyebrows, who did they think was in the camp? But she didn't ask any questions. "They could be underground. We wait till dark. Then we go in." Finn said.

"We go in? Finn, we don't even know if our people are in there yet."

"They're here." Finn said confidently. "Or they were when that Grounder took Clarke's watch."

Emma's eyes went wide when she realized why they were there. They thought the Grounders had taken them, instead of the Mountain Men. She thought about it, the Grounders had been their enemies since day one, and decided to let it play out.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin