Chapter 90

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They all stood around, none of the kids had answered Clarke's question. "Uhm, guys?" Ember turned her attention to Clarke, who nodded her head over to the dozens of adults storming into the village.

"Remember, we're in their home," Bellamy said. "Everyone keep calm. Weapons down. Abby, stay with Murphy. Let us do the talking."

Ember helped him walk closer, as she whispered to the twins to stick by Raven. They stopped in the front next to Clarke. "Rose, get away from them!" A woman yelled.

"Hey, it's okay!" Clarke said, putting her hands up as people who looked like guards ran in front and stood in front of Rose. "We're from Earth, we come in peace."

The adults pushed the kids back, all eyes wide as they stared at them. The woman ran over to the girl in handcuffs. "Kaylee, where have you been? Where's your family?"

Kaylee looked over at Raven with a glare. "They killed them."

"That's not good," Jordan muttered.

Ember turned her head towards them quickly, and then glanced at the woman. The woman's eyes were wide as she looked at Ember. Ember didn't know why, but she glanced down and felt the throbbing in the shoulder opposite of Bellamy, realizing that the wound had reopened and was bleeding.

Murphy started gasping, seizing on the ground as he tried to breathe. Clarke turned to the strangers. "Help us, please! Our friend is dying!"

"He's not breathing," Abby said.

Ember turned and kneeled at Murphy's side, as Abby started to do compressions. "Let me pass," A man said, and Ember glanced over. He was clearly in charge, because the minute he said it everyone parted to the side to let him through. "Move them back."

The guard pointed their weapons at the girls to get them away from Murphy. Ember stood up, standing protectively in front of them, knowing Abby and Clarke wouldn't move without a fight. "I'm sorry for us causing any trouble or damage to this village, but if they leave his side, he'll die, and I'm not going to let that happen."

Abby was still doing compressions, and Ember refused to make her stop. "You want my help or not?"

Ember thought about it. Abby was a doctor. "Do you have any medical experience?" She asked. She didn't stand down, although she had to admit the man in front of her was intimidating.

He only continued to stare at her. Ember thought about her options, he knew more about the planet than them, much more. Maybe he could do something Abby couldn't. Since the compressions Abby was doing weren't working.

Ember glanced barely over her shoulder. "Abby, step back."

Abby listened, and Ember took another look at Murphy, grabbing Clarke's hand as they stepped back. "Your wound reopened," Clarke said quietly.

Ember shook her head as she watched the man carefully as he kneeled next to Murphy. "We can worry about that later," she told Clarke.

The man turned his attention to Ember after looking at Murphy for only a moment. "He's already dead." The man stood up, and Ember's body went tense. She didn't have any weapons on her. She wasn't sure if she'd need it. Thankfully for her, she was positive she could beat him in combat without weapons. 'Fortunately for him, death is not the end."

He turned his head. "Cillian," another man gave his attention and came over to them. "He was exposed to the seaweed during the red sun. Do it."

The seaweed? They'd all gone into the water, but he'd been the only one to go fully under, who knew how deep he went. What if they'd all been exposed?

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now