Chapter 82

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Bellamy had moved Ember to the computer room, where Monty and Harper, and the twins were. As soon as they saw Ember hobbling in with the help of Bellamy, they each came over to hug her, but pulled back as soon as she let out a wince.

They'd acted against Clarke's advice in bringing her here, but Bellamy had told her that they were going to leave, and Ember wanted to go back home. Bellamy still didn't trust his sister, and while Ember more than trusted her, she couldn't be around her sister. She didn't want to watch her fight in the pit.

The twins ran over to Ember, and she held in any expression of pain for them. "Why aren't you guys at training?"

Bellamy and Ember had left only a few minutes after Clarke and Octavia had, which means they should still be there. "Gaia said we're too young, so she sent us to Monty and Harper," Lincoln said.

"We need to be six to compete," Tavia added, she took a step away from Ember, crossing her arms quickly. "It's not fair. I'm better than most kids there."

Ember ruffled her hair. "I'm sure Gaia knows that," She told Tavia. "And you can prove that when you're a bit older."

Tavia nodded, slowing looking down for a second. Ember leaned into Bellamy, lacking the energy to stand up by herself. "Mommy," Lincoln said as his stomach growled. He'd only had small rations since he'd been here, and it was nothing used to what he usually ate. "I'm hungry."

Ember bit the inside of her lip. "I know, Little Angel. Soon, okay?"

"I want berries," Tavia spoke up, and Lincoln nodded along quickly.

"I think Clarke packed some with her, we can ask her later, okay?"

The twins nodded quickly as the door to the room opened behind Ember and Bellamy. Ember turned her head slightly, noticing that it was Clarke. She hadn't noticed them yet, but she looked their direction when Bellamy asked, "Where's Madi?"

She raised her eyebrow at Ember, and even shook her head slightly before looking at Bellamy. "With your sister," She muttered, knowing there would be no point in arguing with Ember about her being back on her feet.

She already felt guilty enough about taking out the flame.

"Clarke, we don't have time for this," Bellamy muttered. "We have to leave now. As soon as Diyoza realizes what Echo did, she's dead. We have no choice."

"You're wrong. We have one." Her eyes moved over to the table, and she started to walk over.

Ember held the twins close to her as Clarke picked up the radio. "Wait," She took a step forward and winced, deciding to stay back by Bellamy. "What are you doing?"

Monty put his hand over Clarke's to stop her from doing anything rash. She turned her head up towards Monty. "I'm stopping the cycle."

He removed his hand and Clarke tried for a smile. "This is Clarke Griffin," She said into the radio. "I have a question for Colonel Diyoza."

It was silent for a moment, and Ember's stomach twisted in fear that they couldn't hear them. "Hello, Clarke. It's been too long. What the hell do you want?"

"What would it take for you to share the valley?"

"Share it?" Diyoza's laughter could be heard through the radio, and Lincoln reached up from Ember's hand. "Well, let me see. Short of an unconditional surrender, nothing."

"Octavia will never surrender," Monty pitched in.

Clarke didn't waver. "That's why we're gonna take her out."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now