Chapter 75

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Ember and Tavia were at camp waiting for Clarke, Lincoln, Madi to get back. Clarke and Lincoln had gone fishing that day, and Madi had gone to see if the berries were ripe yet. They had left early in the morning and gotten back later in the afternoon.

Tavia and Ember had trained that day, Ember teaching Tavia had to accurately throw a knife at a target. They'd painted a target onto a piece of fabric and hung it on a tree so she and Madi could practice.

"We're back!" Ember turned around with a smile as Tavia set the knife down. Lincoln ran over to Ember, and she kneeled down with open arms to hug him.

"Hey Little Angel, how was fishing?"

"We caught so much, look!" He lifted up the rope in his hand, six fish dangling off of it. "Clarke even let me carry it!"

"Wow! You're so strong!" She stood up, ruffling his hair as Tavia reached to grab it from Lincoln.

"I wanna grab it!"

He pulled it away from her quickly. "No! Clarke told me I could do it not you!"

"Guys," Ember warned. "Behave."

The rover pulled into camp, and Madi turned it off right as she jumped out. Her braids were coming undone, and Ember made a note that she'd have to redo them later. "Hey," Clarke said with a smile. "Wash up-" Ember turned and glanced at the twins. "all of you. It's time for supper."

Madi ran over to Clarke, and Ember moved over to them. "Look! The berries are ripe."

"That's nice," Clarke replied, taking the fish from Lincoln. "Come on. It's your turn to cook."

Madi sighed. "You guys promised." Ember and Clarke glanced at each other quickly. "Last season, there weren't enough, but this year, they're everywhere. Please?"

Ember grinned, elbowing Clarke lightly to show her that she had it. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. Madi sighed, getting what Ember was signalling. "I'll cook for a week and clean up."

"Two weeks," Ember replied, holding her hand out.

"Deal. Come on. I'll drive."

"You two go, I'll stay with the twins and prepare dinner for when you guys get back"


Later that night, they sat by the fire telling more stories of the past. Clarke had mushed berries in front of them, rubbing it in her hands before grabbing some of Madi's hair and running her hand through it.

Ember sat in front of Clarke on the ground, letting Clarke do her hair too, the twins running around in the dark a few feet away. "How could you not think she would win?"

"English, Madi," Clarke said gently.

"I'm just saying, Ember's a beast. Of course she'd win the Conclave."

Ember glanced down at the drawing of Octavia in front of her. It was one of the ones Clarke had done, so it actually looked like her. "There were a lot of strong warriors there, Madi."

"She'll get them out of the bunker," Madi said, glancing down at Ember. "I know she will."

Ember handed the book to Madi, as she felt Clarke messing with her hair now. Madi flipped the book a page. "I'm sorry they left without you guys," She said after a moment.

Ember's throat went dry. "Well, we're not," Clarke said for the both of them. "Because if we were with them, we never would have met you."

Madi smiled, and Ember glanced up at the sky. "What about them?" She glanced at Madi. "Do you think they'll come back, too?"

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now