Chapter 55

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Ember sat by herself, reading a book. She had been working all day, and taken her lunch break. Only, she didn't want to waste a ration, and wasn't that hungry, so she sat down to read instead.

Clarke sent her a smile as she came into the room, throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at her to get her attention. "Hey, haven't seen you the last few days, what's up?"

Ember put her thumb in the book to keep the page marked as she closed it on her finger. "Hey, I've been busy helping around camp. I may not be staying, but I still wanna help get it to working condition, you know?"

With a nod, Clarke leaned against the wall beside her. "Any progress on saving the grounders?"

"No, I'm going to keep looking though. There has to be something."

Clarke nodded. "I agree," She was going to say something else, but she noticed Monty walking towards them, and she took a few steps forward. "Any word from Jaha? Did they find Bellamy's unit?"

Monty didn't reply, his bag from Niylah at his side. He offered Ember a smile, who gave a short one back and went back to reading. A few minutes later though, her name was called out, and she glanced over, dropping her book to the ground as she stood up quickly. "Octavia?"

She was carried inside in a grounders arms. "She just stopped breathing!"

Ember cursed, running over and pushing everything off of a metal table in the room. "Get her on the table, now," Ember said. "Go get Clarke. She walked out a few minutes ago!"

"There's a stab wound in her belly. She's soaked in blood," Harper told her before running to find Clarke. The grounder gently put her on the table.

Ember took a deep breath, relying on the Flame's advice and what she knew from Clarke and Abby. Joshua was the Twentieth Commander, and he was a healer before taking the Flame. Zion had been a healer briefly. She could help a stab wound. "Okay, first things first."

She started doing compressions. If Octavia wasn't breathing, the first thing she needed to do was wake her up. "Who are you?" Ember asked the grounder, focusing on the compressions as she asked. "How did this happen to her?"

"Ilian kom Trishanakru. I was on my way home from Polis when I found her."

Ember stopped doing compressions and moved to Octavia's mouth. She plugged Octavia's nose and quickly gave her mouth-to-mouth. She pulled back for a moment. "Come on," She muttered. "Don't do this to me, O."

Her heart pounded in her chest, she couldn't handle it if Octavia died, she'd literally not be able to cope with anything.

She gave mouth-to-mouth one more time before switching back to compressions. Octavia coughed, and Ember smiled, taking a small breath as she put her head on Octavia's hair. "Okay, let's get her to medical. Now."

She looked up at Ilian. "Getting her here saved her life. Thank you, Ilian kom Trishanakru. If you ever need anything, I'm in your debt."

Octavia groaned, and moved her head a bit. "Hey, O. Octavia, you've lost a lot of blood, and I'm gonna take care of you. But you're home now."

Monty ran into the room with Clarke and Harper at his side, carrying the stretcher. "Azgeda's coming," Octavia mumbled.

"What's she talking about?" Monty asked.

"Azgeda is coming. Army... marching."

Ember shook her head, placing her hands on Octavia's face. "Hey, O. Stay with me. I'll worry about Azgeda, but after you're healed."

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