Chapter 66

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Arkadia was in the same condition as Polis. Clarke pulled the rover to a stop, and Ember sat up in the back and opened it to get out. She moved quickly to the side, meeting Clarke as she got out of the rover. They looked around, things scattered all around them.

That day was dedicated to looking around. They each grabbed things and later that night they showed each other what they grabbed. Clarke went to take a drink of water, only for them to realize that their canteen was empty. "No more water," Clarke muttered.

"Look on the bright side, I got Jasper's music," She held up the iPod, setting it down between them.

Clarke pulled out a locked box, smashing it open with a hammer they kept in the rover. Ember reached inside, grabbing the goggles off the top.

She ran her hand over them, setting them down gently beside her as Clarke pulled out a folded piece of paper. On the outside, Monty's name was written. Clarke looked at it, and started to cry. Ember moved forward and pulled Clarke into a hug, wanting to cry herself.

Ember stroked Clarke's hair as the blonde clung onto her, the two friends comforting each other through the loss of their friend.

The two girls fell asleep like that, clinging onto each other and tears in their eyes.

The next two days were the same thing, looking around Arkadia for anything that could be of use. That day Clarke found a radio and a small satellite, she tried to contact the Ark, and after watching it not work, Ember walked away and left Clarke to do her thing.

Ember watched from afar, seeing Clarke talking into the radio casually as if there was someone on the other side. But Ember knew there wasn't, if there was, Clarke would've yelled for her. Ember didn't want to believe that they were up there, but if they weren't, it was just Clarke and Ember.

She turned away, leaving Clarke to do her own thing. A few minutes later, she realized Clarke was done and walked over to her. She jumped up onto the rover as Clarke sat on top of it. "Clarke, let's get going, we need to find water."

"Okay, I'll drive."


They had plugged the iPod into the stereo and blasted it as they drove. Neither of them really knew where to go, everything was dead in all directions, but they continued to drive until they were too tired to continue.

Ember turned off the iPod as Clarke turned the rover off, both girls climbing into the back to sleep like they usually did. They'd been driving for two days now, and both of them were exhausted and dehydrated.

A moment later, there was a crack of thunder and Ember groaned, glancing at Clarke. But it only took a moment for the nervousness to turn into a smile as she heard the rain hitting the top of the rover. "Oh thank god!" Ember yelled, opening the back and jumping out.

It was pouring, and Ember was thankful for it. Clarke grabbed a funnel and the canteen they carried water in, starting to fill it up with water. Ember couldn't wait though, and she cupped her hands together, drinking the water straight from her dirty hands.

Ember shared a look with Clarke, and knew they were both thinking the same thing. Maybe things would start to turn around for them.


The next day, they started to drive again. They had a new motivation, a reason to keep going. Both of them were excited and nervous to keep driving. They had run out of food, and both of them were starving, Ember especially. By now, her stomach had started to expand. She was so thin that she knew it was obvious after a few weeks, but even Clarke could tell now.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now