Chapter 10

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Despite the Exodus ship exploding on impact with everyone inside, everyone in camp was relatively happy. Logan had been all of their friends. He, like Ember, was well respected by them all. Most of them didn't even question how he was alive.

Logan walked around camp with Ember on his back and Emma walking beside them. The two girls didn't get along, everyone knew that, but they were pretending they did, for Logan. Bellamy and a group had gone out to the ship to check if they could identify any bodies, leaving Ember in charge of camp once more, not that she had done right in Clarke and Bellamy's eyes the first time.

The three met up with a group near the campfire, Octavia instantly smiling as she noticed Logan and Ember. She had missed this, she knew that the happiest she had been on the Ark was when she was in the Skybox with Ember and Logan. "You still good at gambling Fire?" Logan asked the girl on his back, who rolled her eyes.

"Not much to gamble with down here Frogger." Ember replied. Emma looked over at them, glad to have some sort of normal back. She had loved Logan, more than Bellamy from what she knew, and knew that he and Ember were best friends. He was the one who wanted them both to be happy, to be sisters again.

"There's always something if you look hard enough." He grinned, pulling out a deck of cards from his pocket. The threw them at Octavia, who caught it with ease. "Lincoln and I found them a few months ago. Reminded me of our daily poker games."

Ember groaned. "I lost so many ration cards from that."

"I thought as some point you'd learn not to bet so much on your own hand." Logan commented. "Clearly, I was wrong."

"She earned twice of what she lost from betting on fugitives though." Octavia stated.

"That's true." Monty said, joining the conversation. "I remember everyone wanted to know what Ember bet so they could bet the same. Murphy would lie so they'd lose." He said with a chuckle. "She only missed one bet out of however many people we had in that year."

"You lost?" Logan asked. "I'm disappointed Fire."

Ember shrugged, as he repositioned her on his back. "The one I lost Emma won."

"Good job Emster, I'm proud." Logan said, grinning over at her. She smiled back, as Monty sat up.

"No sign of your brother or the others yet." He said to Octavia.

"I don't care." Octavia replied.

"Jasper, tell us again, how'd you stay so calm?" Harper asked, leaning on her elbows with admiration. "I would've been terrified."

"Fear is only a problem if you let it stop you, right?" Jasper replied smoothly.

Octavia scoffed and Ember rolled her eyes. "That's not even his line. Finn said that."

"I saw the Grounders in the trees. It was like nothing I ever felt. You know, pure animal instinct took over. One pull of the trigger, two Grounders dead."

"Pure animal instinct? More like pure pant's-wetting panic." Octavia muttered. Ember laughed, burying her head in Logan's neck to conceal her laughter.

Jasper continued, not hearing Octavia's comment. "You don't really know what you're made of until a moment like that, you know, when it's kill or be killed. And there's nothing between you and the tip of a spear."

"Okay, this has to stop." Octavia said, standing up to stop it.

"Come on, let us have this."

"Us?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.

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