Chapter 48

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"Everywhere I looked, there were fins. And teeth. And blood. I knew if they saw me, I'd be next, so, I just floated there, waiting, praying they'd swim on. But they didn't" Ember sat next to Bellamy and the others in a crowded room.

They all turned their attention to the entrance of the room as Luna walked in. "She's here," Bellamy told Clarke. "Maybe she changed her mind."

"Doubtful," Ember muttered, swaying as Bellamy helped her stand up and they walked over to Luna with Clarke.

"The boats return at nightfall, then you leave. Forever."

"Luna, let us explain."

"I said no."

Luna went to walk away, but Bellamy blocked her path. "No, you need to hear this." Luna stopped, raising an eyebrow to listen to Bellamy. "There's something out there that is going to destroy us all," Bellamy said. Ember was about ready to take the stupid Flame to end their troubles.

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here." Luna pulled something out of her pocket. "This is for you, it should help with the seasickness during your stay."

She handed it to Ember, to hesitated for a moment but then swallowed the pill. Bellamy tightened his hold on Ember as she turned to look at Clarke. "Clarke, if Luna doesn't take the Flame, once we're back on land, I'll take it."


"No," Bellamy stated. "You know what that means."

"Nobody has to know," Ember replied. "I can take it, and we don't tell anyone. I don't have to be Commander. If we know it's safe, we can even take it out afterward."

Ember straightened her posture, starting to feel better. The pill was acting fast. "We're getting down to our last few options here," Ember added. "I can do it, and I will."


"I can't believe how many people Alie has now," Raven said, she pointed to the computer screen for Emma to see, as Monty glanced at it from across the room. "You see this cluster? It's a building. But all this," She signaled to the other screens around her. "These are minds. It's full of them, thousands. She's taken Polis too."

"Alie's army is growing. The longer we wait to go in, the stronger she gets."

"Go in?" Emma asked.

Monty shook his head. "Raven, no. Our mission is-"

"To wait for Clarke. Like always."

"And Ember," Emma added. She figured Raven would support waiting for Ember more than Clarke, but the brunette only rolled her eyes.

"We can do this ourselves," Raven replied. "We have Becca's backdoor password. We have me."

Monty raised an eyebrow. "You said the moment we use the password, Alie will know."

"She will," Raven replied. "I think."

"That means we have one shot at this, is there a kill code in that book you didn't tell me about?" Raven shook her head slightly. "Then we stick with the plan," Monty said. "Larke gives the Flame to Luna. The AI in the Flame gives Luna the kill code. We enter it here, taking our one shot. And Bob's your uncle."

Raven blinked at Monty. "I hate that expression."

Monty put his hands together, and Raven rolled her eyes and turned away from him to the keyboard. "Good," Monty muttered. "Let's keep mapping. What else do you see?"

"Perimeter clear," Harper said, coming into the room and making everyone jump. "Bryan and Miller have watch. How's it going in here?" Nobody gave her an answer, and she let out a sigh. "That good, huh?"

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now