Chapter 97

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"Be careful," Tori warned Ember as she continued to speed towards Gabriel's camp. "We're close to the camp now. When Gabriel hears the engines, he'll-"

"Quiet!" Ember snapped. "I'm concentrating."

Her vision blurred, and her hands shook on the handles, and suddenly there was a bump in the ground that sent her flying off of the motorcycle. She groaned and took off her helmet before looking at the bike. The entire tire was smashed, although she wasn't sure how.

"Told you I should drive," Tori muttered. Ember glanced over, gulping as she noticed Tori standing over her. "Now will you give me back control? Or do I have to wait until you fall asleep?"

"Shut up," Ember snapped, reaching over and grabbing the radio. "I have to call Gabriel."

She glanced at the radio, sighing when she realized that it was broken. "Yeah. You broke that too."

Suddenly she heard motorcycles again. "I have to hide."

"Okay, here's the deal. If we go back to Sanctum, I'll give you your body back." Ember scoffed, that wasn't likely. Even if she did help her and give Ember her body back, Josephine wouldn't give Clarke's up. "Fine! We can just wait for my guards to find us. It shouldn't be long now."

"We don't know that they're your people," Ember said. "What if the Children of Gabriel took out your guards? I mean, they do kinda suck." Tori raised an eyebrow. "You want to risk losing our head?"

Tori sighed. "Okay, come on. I know somewhere you can hide."

She led the way, and after a minute, Ember said, "I swear to god if you're lying, I'll take out the mind drive myself and destroy it before I die."

"Yeesh. Tense much?" Tori asked. "Relax. Just keep your eyes moving all around so I can see. We're looking for-" She stopped suddenly. "-This." She glanced at Ember. "Clear the leaves. You'll find a hatch."

It didn't take long for Ember to find what she was talking about. She lifted up the hatch. Spiderwebs covered the entire entrance, and for a moment she looked at Tori and scrunched up her nose. But as soon as she heard the motorcycles, she used her hands to push them to the side and get down into the hatch, closing it behind her.

"Keep your helmets on and your guns ready," Jade said. "These are the enemies woods."

"I guess my guards don't suck after all, huh?" Tori said, Ember jumped. The last she had seen Tori she was locked outside of the bunker.

She turned around quickly. "Stop doing that," She whispered.

"The engines still warm. She can't be far," A man said.

"There should be a light or some matches in the supply kit," Tori said.

Ember moved over to it, avoiding as many spiderwebs as possible. "We lay low here until they pass." She opened the supply kit. "Then we go on foot."

She pulled out a lighter then looked around for something to light with it. She found a candle not too far away, and lit that so she could see better. "What is this place?"

"Observation blind. We built them all over. I use them to study species in their natural habitat."

Ember grabbed an empty bottle. "Studying, huh?"

"Josephine's. She always claimed that research could get boring. Of course, Gabriel helped with that."

"You guys seemed to have a lot of history with him," Ember said, digging through more things. "Why does he want to kill you now?"

Tori shook her head. "He doesn't."

"Really? Death to Primes? Could have fooled me." Ember thought about bringing up her killing Gabriel's sister, but she didn't think Tori would like that very much, and the last thing she needed was to piss off the girl she was stuck with.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now