Chapter 41

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Ember stood beside Lexa as she addressed the nightblood children. Ember didn't feel comfortable allowing them be her cover up, but knew that was what Lexa was doing. If someone targeted the nightbloods, she'd be safe, since they tried to hide the truth about her as much as possible. But Ember was having doubts, she wasn't sure if when the time came, if she wanted to compete to be Commander.

Clarke stood next to Ember. She didn't feel like she belonged there, but Clarke wanted to understand more about their culture. She kept glancing over at Lexa, and then at Ember, never looking at the nightblood children in front of her.

"We gather here on this Ascension Day to honor the Commanders that came before me, those who live on within me, as I would live on within one of you." Lexa said, looking at Ember from the corner of her eyes. Ember gulped, hating that she was having doubts.

Lexa stopped when there was shouting from the hall, multiple Grounders burst into the room. "Jaden, Janice." Ember said, looking at the couple in confusion.

He looked at Ember, surprise appearing for just a moment, before turning to Lexa. "The Flamekeeper promised we would be heard." Jaden said.

"Titus?" Lexa asked, getting the attention of the man. "What is this?"

"Something you need to hear, Heda."

Jaden reached through the doorway, grabbing a girl. Ember gasped when she looked at her, seeing her best friend looking at her with wide eyes. Ember noticed that Octavia tried to stay calm and look normal, but her eyes gave everything away. "Octavia!" Clarke said, taking a cautious step forward.

"Forgive us for intruding on this holy day, Commander." Janice said, glancing at Ember for a sharp moment. "I am Janice of Trikru, and this is Jaden of Trikru and we come seeking justice."

"Explain yourselves." Ember said, jumping to defend her friend. Lexa glanced at her, not surprised Ember had jumped into action. Both Lexa and Clarke knew she'd do anything for the brunette in front of her. The two leaders that thought they knew Ember took a sharp step back in surprise, they'd never expect this from her. "Why do you hold Octavia of Skaikru prisoner?"

Jaden gripped Octavia's upper arm tightly. "She is a prisoner of war, Ember- not that I see how you have any saying in what happens to her." Jaden replied, spitting out his words harshly.

Lexa gave him a threatening glare. "She is my second and you will treat her with respect." She snapped. "Now, explain how she is a prisoner of war."

"She is brought here to bear witness to the crimes of her people." Jaden replied, once he had gotten over the shock regarding Ember.

"What crimes?" Clarke asked quickly, once she realized she was the only one confused. Ember had been told by Emma what Pike was planning, and she had told Lexa. Emma had had a radio signal boosted, so when she went slightly out of Polis, she could talk to her sister. Lexa had let it happen, knowing that an inside person was more important than a few peoples lives, and they had Octavia sent to them, Ember just didn't know she got caught. "What happened?"

"Skaikru attacked their village. Cause their warriors were lost and your people massacred the army we sent to protect you, their village were defenseless." Titus explained, looking hatefully to Clarke.

"Please, Commander. I beg you. Avenge us."


To say Lexa was pissed would be an understatement. She stormed into her room, both Titus and Ember at her heels. Clarke walked in a moment later, not used to an angry Lexa and intimidated by her harsh movements.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora