Chapter 91

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"Are you okay?" It was the first thing both of them asked each other after telling the other the events of them they'd last seen each other. Ember had dismissed her feelings and said she was fine, but Bellamy seemed to think more about the question than she did.

"I left her," He said, and while his voice was void of emotion, she noticed the clench of his jaw, the tightening around his eyes. All his anger aimed towards nobody but himself. "The girl I promised to always protect, I left to die."

She placed a kiss on Bellamy's chest, the two of them talking as they laid in bed together. "You did what you thought was right. Plus, if anyone can survive out there alone, it's Octavia."

"I told her that my sister was dead. That the person she is, wasn't my sister."

Ember ran her hand over his stomach. "Do you believe that?"

His thumb brushed along her shoulder. "I don't know," He admitted. "She'll always be my sister, but she's done so many bad things that I don't know how I can forgive her."

"Eventually, we always forgive family."


"Don't touch that," Ember said the next morning, grabbing Lincoln before he could touch the cake that they'd been working on for the past hour. She shot them an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about him, it looks great."

"Without you guys, not of this would've been possible." He turned to the man beside him. "Take the cake to the great hall. Quickly and be careful, that's Simone's favorite."

Clarke and Madi came down the stairs. "What's going on?" Madi asked.

"I think it's some sort of celebration," Clarke replied, confused as she looked around.

The man scoffed as he picked up a plate of cookies. ""What's going on"! It's naming day. And you're the guests of honor."

He offered them some cookies, and Ember smiled gratefully, grabbing four off of the plate as Madi rushed forward and grabbed one for herself. She handed one to each of the twins and then made Clarke take one.

She'd never had cookies, but she's seem them once. When her parents had gotten their vows renewed, they'd given the family sweets to last up to a few days. Of course, Ember hadn't been allowed to have any. The twins bit into it cautiously, afraid of trying new things.

They gasped at the taste and the man laughed. "I know. A good cookie can change your life."

Ember took a small bite herself, closing her eyes for a moment as she tasted it for the first time. "There's Delilah!" Suddenly there was clapping, and she looked around uncomfortably before settling her eyes on Clarke and Ember.

She came over to them, hugging them tightly. "My heroes!"

Ember smiled at her as she pulled away. "How are you feeling?"

While she didn't trust anyone in Sanctum, she liked Delilah. The girl had been nothing but nice and welcoming to them since they'd gotten there. "I feel great."

"I'll be the judge of that," Cillian said, coming up to them. "Come on. Let's have a look at you. You two as well."

Raven entered the door, and Ember gave her a smile. She signalled the twins over to her, and then left to join Clarke and the others. "Last question," She heard Cillian say. "What do you remember from when you were paralyzed?"

"Only everything," Delilah replied.

Cillian gave her a smile. "Well, don't worry after tonight, it'll be like it never happened at all. You're good."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now