Chapter 44

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The entire trip back to the caves had been silent. Octavia and Ember had stayed at the back, clutching onto each other's hands to stay strong. Lincoln's death was too much for the two, and all Ember wanted was to get back to the cave and check on Bellamy.

Once they were at the cave, Octavia clutched onto Ember's hand even tighter, and Ember returned the gesture. They needed each other. Everyone slowly entered, and once she could, Ember glanced at Bellamy to make sure he was okay. Bellamy had watched everyone enter, realizing they were missing one vital person. "Where's Lincoln?"

Ember looked down at the ground, feeling the urge to cry again. Octavia forced herself to stay strong, as she faced away from her brother. "Pike put a bullet in his brain."

Octavia looked at the ground, and Ember tightened her hold on Octavia's hand. "O... O, I am so sorry,"

Octavia dropped Ember's hand, turning around and striking her brother down. It was deadly silent in the cave as the siblings thought about what had just happened, but then Octavia hit Bellamy again. She continued to hit him, and Ember wanted to go help him, but she barely had the energy to continue standing.

"Octavia," Kane said. "That's enough."

"Kane, stay out of this," Bellamy said, letting Octavia continue to hit him. She kneed him in the stomach, shoved him against the wall, and hit him in the head hard enough to send him to the ground.

Octavia started sobbing, and Miller moved forward, pulling her off Bellamy. "Stop, that's enough."

Octavia shoved him away. "Miller, back off," Bellamy said, blood coating his face. Octavia hit him two more times before he fell to the ground.

She stared at Bellamy, and when he looked back up at her, she said, "You're dead to me."

She moved back over to Ember, who pulled the younger girl into her arms and let her cry, a few tears of her own escaping. There was a lot of things Ember wanted to do, but she knew she could only handle one thing at the moment, which was Octavia. She knew even if she was to choose Bellamy over Octavia, he'd tell her to help his sister.

Ember didn't say anything, she didn't think she could. All she could do was hold Octavia, comforting her best friend while struggling with her own grief. Lincoln was like family to Ember. But Lincoln was the love of Octavia's life. Ember couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose Bellamy, but what she couldn't imagine, Octavia was going through.

Miller called Ember and Octavia over, wanting to figure out a game plan for them. They had gotten Kane and Sinclair away from Pike, but they were nowhere near safe. Plus, the rest of the 100, including Emma, were still there.

"First off, I say we run a two-man patrol around the clock, starting now," Miller said.

Kane nodded. "We'll do that, but we should be safe here. The Grounder blockade's too close for Pike to risk looking for us."

Bryan turned his head towards the entrance of the cave. "Yeah, but are we safe from the blockade?"

"As long as we stay on this side of the line, we should be," Kane said. "Plus, with Ember here they wouldn't attack."

"They're grounders," Bryan said with a scoff. "You really think they're gonna play by the rules?"

Everyone but Ember looked at him, as Ember was focused on the fire. "Hey," Miller said, gaining his attention. "Pike will want you dead now, too. We take him out, we can go home."

"We take him out," Harper spoke up, gaining their attention. "Then the grounders lift the blockade."

"That's right," Kane said. "We become the 13th clan, again. Those were the terms."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang