Chapter 42

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To say Emma was worried would be an understatement. She had given Ember the radio so they could stay in contact through Raven's boosted signal. Now, Ember had been radio silent for over 24 hours, and she was getting worried. Nobody but Raven knew she had been keeping in contact with Ember, she had to act like she hated everything her sister stood for, and the only one she had a hard time convincing was Bellamy, who was doing the same thing she was, lying to herself.

She was quick to move across the empty space outside of The Ark, noticing that Bellamy and Pike were waiting for her not to far away. She had been busy trying to contact her sister, and had forgotten that she was supposed to meet them a few minutes ago.

Emma forced a smile towards the two, remembering her last conversation with her sister. Ember wanted to become friends with Bellamy again, after all the drama was over with. "Hey," She said, crossing her arms over her chest and not saying any more so she would seem professional. Her hand slipped by her gun, only feeling safe with it at her side now.

Bellamy gave her a short smile, as Pike ignored her. In the past few days, he had started to not trust her. She had been working harder to keep his trust, but it was hard when she hated his guts. But Ember had told her to stay close, so she was going to.

Pike had Emma go up the lookout tower first. Bellamy we next, and Pike came up last. He looked at Hannah, Monty's mom, who stood guard next to a radio. "And?" Pike asked, looking expectantly at Hannah.

She nodded at Pike. "Sir, we lost contact with one of our recon teams."

"There were four men."

"Three teams departed Arkadia at zero eight hundred hours on routine patrol. Each of them reported Grounder contact less than a mile outside of camp. As per your orders, two teams retreated and made it safely back inside the walls."

"The third?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow and hoping to seem like she wanted the Grounders injured.

"They were forced to engage. I believe they were attempting to secure a defensive position when... they ceased transmissions."

"The Grounders are close," Pike said, looking out of the tower and looking through the trees.

Hannah sat down, nodding quickly. "They're gathering from the north and west. It appears that they're establishing a blockade. There's no way through it."

"Something's changed," Pike said, shaking his head.

"Sir, you need to see this," Emma commented, looking over the side and seeing two Grounders on horses coming up to the gate.

Pike looked over to where he was showing him, seeing them. "What do they want?"

Emma didn't hesitate to answer. "They brought a message. I've seen this before, we need to open the gate."

She quickly went down the ladder, rushing to the front gate of Arkadia. She signalled for the guards to open the door, and when they didn't do it she rushed to do it herself. "Is my sister okay?" She asked automatically, not realizing that she just spoke trigedasleng so casually.

The Grounder glanced at her, then at the gun at her side, ignoring her question. "We seek the one you call Pike."

"Why?" Bellamy asked, coming up behind Emma and looking between the two Grounders at the gate.

The Grounder glared at Bellamy. "An army has fallen, blood soaked the Earth where he took their lives one by one."

Bellamy shrugged carelessly. "Welcome to the war against Skaikru."

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