Chapter 57

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"I hope you realize that even if you do survive praimfaya, the chances of you survive after it are slim," Becca told Ember. "I mean, according to what I know, most water will be undrinkable, most food sources gone. Survival is unlikely."

Ember closed her eyes, leaning back in her seat. "You don't think I know that? The second I heard the phrase 'black rain' I knew the chances of surviving were slim."

"Then why rely on that plan for yourself? The Commander should live with her people," Jordan said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We don't even have a solution for our people yet," Ember said. "Why don't we come up with a plan for them before coming up with one for ourselves, yeah? Any ideas?" Everyone was quiet. "Please, don't all talk at once."

"You know, surprisingly, I actually have no advice for this," Ryder said. "And nobody else does either, so why are we here?"

Ember smiled. "For once, I agree with him. Can't I just sleep for once? Like, peaceful sleep without arguments?"

"That's not what you signed up for when you took the Flame," Lexa replied.

"Right, that's why I told Bellamy to wake me up after a few minutes." Ember shared a quick smile with Lexa. "We should be about an hour away from Arkadia anyways, I'll start thinking of new plans, and everyone do me a favor, research what to do about praimfaya."

Ember forced herself to wake up, and she let out a yawn in the back of the rover. She sat up and stretched, glancing towards the front. She kissed his cheek as she climbed forward into the front seat, getting into the passenger's seat as quickly as possible.

"How far away are we?" Ember asked, letting out a small yawn.

"A few minutes," Bellamy replied. "I just radioed camp to let them know and talked with Emma briefly," Ember bit her lip and lowered her head to look down. "She doesn't blame you."

Ember nodded. She believed it was true, but Ember blamed herself. She had chosen the Flame over her sister, which had been the right choice in her opinion, but she hated thinking of her sister being hung. "Look Ember there's something I wanted-"

A crack of thunder stopped him from talking. "It looks like it's gonna rain," Ember muttered, peeking through the side of the rover. "And it doesn't look like good rain."

"You think that it's black rain?"

Ember pursed her lips, a grim look on her face. "I hope not, but..." She didn't have to finish the sentence. The clouds didn't look as clear as normal, they were grey and carried a fog with them. Ember would bet money that it was black rain. Becca had told her once that while she would survive the radiation blast, the black rain would have a chance of hurting her like everyone else. Radiation on the skin hurt, even for a Nightblood.

The front gate of Arkadia came into view, and Ember sat up in the seat ready to get out. The roved the rover into camp, and Bellamy turned it off as they got out.

Ember moved over to Bellamy's side, glancing up at the sky as they walked over to Kane. "Welcome back," He greeted.

There was a crack of thunder that they'd been hearing for almost an hour now, and Ember glanced up at the sky, taking a step closer to Bellamy. It started to rain, very slowly at first. and Ember took notice of the winces that came from people that the rain touched. She felt a drop hit her arm, and while it didn't hurt her, it made the skin red. She knew it wasn't normal rain. "Black rain! Everyone inside! Sound the alarm!"

Bellamy ran to go sound the alarm as everyone started to rush towards the Ark to get inside and sheltered from the rain. Ember ran to the storage area, grabbing large pieces of cloth. She handed them out to people running to the Ark that didn't have a hood to protect their heads. She looked around for Octavia or Emma, seeing Emma squeezing her way inside but not spotting Octavia anywhere. Bellamy had just sounded the alarm and she spotted Kane running by her. "Kane, where's Octavia?" She asked, not bothering with covering her own head.

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