Chapter 63

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Bellamy had already explained everything to Octavia over the radio, and now all Ember had to do was say goodbye. It was just Ember in the room with the radio on the other side. Bellamy had just left, so now it was just Ember.

They would all have to say goodbye to their loved ones, Ember would take the most time since she had to talk to both Octavia and Emma. She sat down in front of the radio, gripping it tightly. "O?" Her voice cracked, and she cursed herself for it.

She didn't plan on getting emotional. But she couldn't help but hate going 5 hours without Octavia, let alone 5 years. Not to mention Ember was supposed to be in charge at the bunker, but now she was going to pass that down to her. Octavia would make a good leader. "Em."

Ember felt comforted to hear that Octavia was emotional too. "I don't know how I'm gonna do this without you," Octavia continued, her voice cracking. Ember pulled her legs up onto the seat with her.

"I'm gonna miss you so damn much," Ember replied. She couldn't think of what else to say. This was her best friend, her closest family member. Her sister for most of her life. "If I could, I'd come back."

"I know you would," Octavia said. "I'll pull through for us, though. And when you get back down in five years, I'll be the first one there to greet you."

"I'll be waiting," Ember let out a small laugh, wiping a tear that had escaped down her cheek. "I'll take care of Bellamy for you."

"And I'll take good care of Emma, promise. Indra also made sure to tell me that you needed to know that we'll take care of everyone down here for you. We'll miss you." Octavia paused. "I'm scared, Em."

"Of what, O? You're my best friend, and the most capable person for this job. You have Indra, and Kane, and anyone else down there to help you."

"I haven't gone this long without you since we met. Ember, I just want you to know how much I love you."

Ember smiled. "I love you too, Octavia."

The radio filled with static, and Ember clicked a bunch of buttons, the storm had cut it out. Clarke came into the room and Ember leaned back defeated. "May we meet again, little sister."

"What happened?" Clarke asked.

"The storm cut out the radio," Ember muttered. "You won't get to say goodbye to your mom. I'm sorry." Clarke was quiet, and when Ember looked up at her, she realized that Clarke was on the verge of tears. "Hey," Ember said, coming over and pulling her into a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay, five years is nothing. It'll seem like yesterday that this was all happening,"

Clarke slowly started to calm her breathing, and Murphy yelled, "Clarke, Ember, get down here!"

Ember pulled away from Clarke, putting her hands on her cheeks. "You okay?"

Clarke nodded, and together the two of them exited the room. Ember stalled on the steps, Clarke nearly bumping into her. "I- I don't wanna watch that."

Clarke looked up at the screen that everyone else was focused on. It was a camera of Polis, as the death wave hit it. She turned away as the tower went out of sight, and then the camera lost focus, turning itself off.

"It's 210 miles from Polis to the island," Raven said. "According to what was our last drone, the wave is accelerating. If we're not off the ground at least 20 minutes before it hits, the electromagnetic charge in the pyroclastic cloud will shut down the rocket's avionics, meaning it won't fly."

She looked at the timer on her wrist. "That gives us 90 minutes to run a 6-hour preflight check, retrieve the oxygen generator from the lighthouse, turn a cockpit designed for two into one that can carry 9, and load the cargo hold with enough food to keep us from starving in space while we wait for the algae to bloom."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now