Chapter 83

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To say Ember was pissed would be an understatement. "You poisoned Octavia?" She glared at Bellamy, so mad that she didn't even feel the pain in her body as she paced back and forth around the room. "I can not believe you. She's your sister, the last family member you have left!"

"She'll be fine," Bellamy stressed. "Murphy went into a coma for a week and then woke up just fine. Octavia will too."

She turned around and scoffed quickly. "Fine? They told me they're not sure if she's going to wake up. How the hell is that fine? Bellamy she's in a freaking coma!"

"We can surrender, Ember. Clarke can live and we can go to the valley in peace," He came towards her and reached out to her but she shoved him away from her.

"No, Bellamy. You can't just act like this is okay!"

She crossed her arms over her stomach, tears gathering in her eyes. "Ember, listen. When Clarke started talking about killing Octavia, I knew that if anyone had to do it, it had to be me."

"She's been my best friend since I was nine." She scoffed, bringing her hands up to wipe her eyes clear. "If she dies-"

Ember couldn't even finish the sentence. She couldn't imagine life without Octavia. "Ember, she won't die. It was algae, nothing too serious."

"You don't know that," Ember said. "She could be different than Murphy. Bellamy, how could you willingly do this to her?"

"I thought it was the right thing."

Ember bit her lip. This was the new Bellamy, the one she barely knew. The one she fell in love with would do anything for the ones he loved. The new one wanted to do the right thing but was conflicted when it came to friends or family.

She still loved him though. She slowed her pacing down, finally calming herself down. "I'm still pissed at you."

Bellamy gave her a small smile. "That's okay. Just don't give up on me okay?"

She sighed. "Never." She sat down beside him. "You just gotta talk to me, alright? A relationship is a two way street."

"I promise no more secrets."

She gave a half-hearted smile. "No more secrets."


That morning, Ember and Bellamy took Madi and the twins to see Clarke in lockup. On the way to the room, Ember stalled in front of one cell, seeing her sister through the window. Emma wasn't paying any attention, just staring down at the ground.

Bellamy came beside Ember, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Come on, let's go talk to Clarke."

"She's in there because of me, Bellamy," Ember whispered.

"No. Don't do that to yourself. She's in there because of herself. Do not blame yourself."

Ember closed her eyes and looked away from her sister. "Okay."

The kids were waiting in front of Clarke's cell. "You won't have long," Indra told them, looking at Ember.

She nodded quickly. Looking down at the kids, she said, "You'll only have enough time to say a few words, okay?"

When they acknowledged what she said, Indra opened the door for her. Madi was the first one inside, followed quickly by the twins. "Clarke,"

Clarke kneeled down and hugged the three kids, and when they backed up, Ember made her way across the room and tightly hugged her. When Ember finally pulled back Bellamy said, "They were ready to burn this place down if they couldn't see you."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now