Chapter 60

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Ember was ready to fight. She wearing simple gear the Indra had given her. It had the Trikru signal on it, but it was better than the simple clothes Skaikru had. Bellamy knocked on the door to the room, hoping to keep her company until the fight. "Here to give me a pep talk?" Ember asked hopefully, spotting Bellamy in the doorway.

Bellamy moved into the room, sitting on the couch beside her. "You don't have to do this," He told her, and Ember scoffed. "We can find someone else to fight."

"Like who, Bell? Octavia? If I die, at least I'll die a warrior's death. I have the wisdom for the Commander's to guide me, I'll be fine." She stood up, running a hand through her hair. "I know what the odds of me winning are, I know they're not good."

She paced back and forth. "There are men fighting in this Conclave with years of training on me, trust me I realize I may not win this."

Clarke walked into the room, lightly knocking on the door to get their attention. Clarke gave Ember a supporting smile. "It's time."

Ember glanced back at Bellamy, then turned to walk out of the room. "Hey," Clarke said, stopping her on her way out. She kept her voice low, to avoid Bellamy listening in. "Are you sure?"

Ember leaned in and kissed Clarke's cheek. "You're a good friend, Clarke. He's gonna need one," She slightly nodded her head back to signal over to Bellamy. "Be there for him. Take care of him."

Right as Ember stepped outside she heard her name. "Ember kom Skaikru," Gaia said, looking straight towards her. "Step forward,"

Ember glanced on the stage with the other warriors from the clans.Most of them had been what she was expecting. Men who had years of experience. But one clan, Sankru, they'd put a girl in that didn't look like she was even thirteen. What were they thinking? She moved onto the stage herself, only looking at Gaia to mask her nervousness. "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion."

Gaia put the sigil around her neck, and Ember moved into line with the other warriors. She stood next to Roan, and glanced over at him. "Ilian kom Trishanakru," Ember snapped her head over. He'd been the one to burn Arkadia down. "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion."

"At dusk our Conclave starts," Gaia said, addressing the crowd. "Within the walls of Polis. These warriors will fight until only one remains. When that warrior collects all of the sigils from the fallen and delivers them to me, they will be declared the victor. This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Becca Pramheda, and which clans are meant to perish in Praimfaya."

"We honor those who fall by the sword but follow the one who wields it best."

"That would be me!" Ember turned her head to look at who said that from the crowd. Luna pushed her way through the crowd, jumping up onstage. "I'm Luna kom Flokru, and I'm the last of my clan."

Gaia glared at Luna. "We know who you are- the natblida who ran from her Conclave."

"I'm not running from this one."

Gaia turned around and grabbed the last sigil. "Accept this sigil, Luna kom Flokru, but with your clan gone, who will you fight for?"

She grabbed the sigil and put it around herself. "I fight for no one. I fight for death," Luna turned to the crowd. "When I win, no one will be saved."


Ember and the other champions were all in the temple, waiting for the Conclave to begin. A few other people were there, such as Indra. Ember eyed Luna from across the room, watching the girl practice with her sword.

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