Chapter 87

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Bellamy rubbed his hand over Ember's waist, whispering reassuring words in her ear. She'd been silent ever since he'd told her that Emma had died. He wanted to tell her before someone else, but he knew he should have waited until the war was done so she wasn't distracted, but he didn't know when the war would be over. It seemed they were always fighting over something.

But it was too late. So now he knew he had to do his best to help her through it. She wasn't showing any kind of emotion, but he wasn't surprised.

Murphy and Emori were sitting with the twins, telling them stories of when they were up on the Ark to try and distract them from Ember's current state.

Ember sat with her knees up against her chest and her arms wrapped around them as she leaned against Bellamy, barely processing the words he said in her ear. She'd been so mad at her sister, but she thought she'd have time to work it out with her. She thought she'd get her sister back.

But she wouldn't get the chance. She was dead. She didn't know how she died, she couldn't bring herself to ask for the details.

"We're almost there," Madi said from the driver's seat. She took a moment to glance back at Ember, who didn't even process her words. She sighed, focusing back in front of her as she drove. She'd heard what he told Ember earlier, and thankfully the twins had been listening to Murphy's stories instead of paying attention to their parents.

Bellamy repeated the words to Ember, glanced down at her to see if she was listening. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths. She tried to get her mind back on the right track. She needed to protect the kids.

But it was hard when every part of her was focused on Emma. She continued to try, knowing that her kids, Bellamy, and Wonkru needed her. She needed to think like a leader, not just a warrior. The commanders would tell her to suck it up. Her family wasn't as important as her people. Especially when the person she was thinking about was dead.

She could cry about it later. She would mourn her sister when she had time.

As soon as she lifted her head up, Bellamy squeezed her waist slightly. "I'm sorry, baby," He whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm okay," She muttered, leaning her head back down on Bellamy's chest, focusing on his steady heartbeat. "I'm alright. I have to be."

He kissed the top of her head. "You don't have to be strong for once. You're allowed to grieve."

"Not yet." She reached over and grabbed one of his hands. 'I will when this is all over. When we can finally settle down and be happy with no more fighting and no more war."

He smiled into her hair as he squeezed her hand. "That sounds good."

Madi stopped the rover, and the small jolt made Ember tense up. She had to stay strong. Murphy was the first to jump out of the rover. "Little help! We got wounded!"

Ember got out of the rover as Bellamy moved over to help carry Gaia out of the rover. Monty and Harper ran over to them. "Where's Jackson?" Bellamy asked. "She's lost a lot of blood."

Ember moved over to Madi, noticing that the twins were sticking with Emori. Ember put her hand on Madi's shoulder when she realized that a majority of people around them were staring. "Heda is going to save us," Someone said. Ember wasn't sure which one of them they were talking about, but she was more than fine just advising Madi.

"What do I do?" Madi whispered to Ember, as Bellamy came over to them, Monty having taken his spot with Gaia.

"Blodreina's coming. Protect your commanders."

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