Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Title: Cheating!

Mystreet Season 3 Episode 3

(Y/n) Your Name

Word Count: 3925


"Dante! I'm going to Aphmau's with Ellie to take the fur babies to the vet," You yelled to Dante.

"Okay, love you," he yelled back from up stairs.

"Hehe love you too, I'll see you later," you replied back then went out the door Ellie's leash in hand and walked over to Aphmau's.


"Travis! Travis! Travis, where are you," Dante yelled out through out the house looking for the white haired male inly to find him where the living room ins going to be and sitting on a box of stuff. Holding his phone listening closely to his phone try's by to get in contact with Katelyn only to have to leave a voice mail.

"Hey it's Katelyn! Sorry I'm not able to get to the phone right now I'm probably sleepin' leave me a text message and I'll get back to ASAP, that a TEXT MESSAGE, voicemails take forever to get to, have an awesome day," Travis' phone said when Katelyn didn't pick up.

"Hey, Katelyn, so I was just wondering if you've gotten my text messages. I've been trying to get in contact with you since yesterday to see if you wanted to go to a movie or something.... Just as friend of course," Travis rushed out at the end, "I know were like on the fence about the whole relationship thing.... yeah just give me a call when ever you can, bye," Travis said ending his voicemail for Katelyn.

"Well that was plenty awkward," Dante said to his Best Friend, Travis, now standing in front of him, "so Travis real bro talk; you sounded really desperate there. I thought you and Katelyn were strictly just friend after the whole summer thing?"

"We are it's just.... I'm kinda worried about her usually she's good at getting back to text messages and phone calls but she hasn't been lately. I'm just hoping she's okay," Travis told Dante honestly.

"Why don't you go check on her then," Dante asked him.

"Uh.. Dante, I've only been calling her for a day going to check on her for one text message it's a little extreme don't you think," Travis told Dante.

"Well then take it easy," Dante replied back, "she's probably been busy with the move and everything. I mean hey we've been busy, our place isn't even furnished yet," Dante said looking at the 'living room' and kitchen.

"True. Hmmm say it's almost been one whole week since we've been here. We should go get groceries. Kinda tired of eating out every night," Travis told him with a stoic voice.

"Whaaat! Eating out is great," Dante exclaimed to Travis.

'Man you and (Y/n) are so different' Travis thought to himself before responding to Dante.

"Not when you're trying to maintain all of this," Travis said motioning to his body figure.

"Uhhhhh all of what," Dante asked him not understanding what Travis was talking about.

"That's cold, Dante, that's cold," Travis said hurt and offended walking away from Dante and out the door.

"What? What's cold," Dante asked confused, "what did I do," Dante exclaimed asking as he walked after Travis.


Dante POV

"Travis these are only enough groceries for one meal with Garroth and Laurence," I replied to him looking at the amount of stuff we bought as we walked away from check out.

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