Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Title: Blocked

Mystreet season 3 Episode 25 & 26

Word Count: 2627


Dante read the note when he got home from work that night. You had left the note on the night stand on his side. He sat down with it in his hand reading. He had a small frown on his face for a split second until he read that you need to be there for your older brother, Aaron. He smiled knowing that he would do the same if it were him and Gene.

He chuckled when he read your p.s checking his side of the closet he noticed he was missing a jacket more importantly his favorite one. His smile not vanishing as he still held the note in his hand and looked at where his missing jacket would be.

He sighed shaking his head while chuckling, "oh (Y/n), this is why I love you."

He smiled and walked out of his room to tell Travis, to order food and feed Ellie leaving the note on his night stand.


It has been a week and a half since you and Aaron left to go back home. You've kept to your word about texting him every morning and night. Along with little updates when ever you have time to. At the moment though you sat at a table, in a restaurant, along with your two older siblings, Melissa and Aaron. You three were to meet with Mr. Ro'Meave for business matters.

"Hahahahahahah. You three are charming," Garte laughed out, "and you know your company so well! I only apologize that my wife couldn't be here."

"It's perfectly fine, Mr. Ro'Meave. And please, if anything we should be apologizing for our parents absence," you apologized before Melissa could. You both would always have a small competition on trying to answer someone meaning that both of you would have to be quick on your feet to answer before the other.

"I heard they took some time off to be with their family this past week!" Garte responded back, "which is always important."

You were about to reply when Melissa beat you to it, "They sure did. Aaron and (Y/n) here came back home last week, and we wanted to spend some quality family time together," Melissa smiled looking at her two younger siblings.

"Well, Aaron, I'm glad to see the young man your parents chose to take over the company, business-savvy as they boasted him to be; the both of you really!" Garte was saying to Aaron than to you as well, "And I asume since Aaron will be taking the company you two will help in someway and run your own things?" Garte asked the two Lycan daughters politely smiling at the two.

"Indeed we will," Melissa replied back just as polite.

"Haha, Thank you. And it was a pleasure to finally meet you, Garte" Aaron responded to what Mr. Ro'Meave said about him.

"Same to you, Aaron," Garte said, "And Melissa, (Y/n) it's always a pleasure," Garte turned towards you two, "especially when you bring some of your famous dishes, (Y/n), like back in the days." Garte chuckled along with you from what happened back in the day when you had a culinary project with Garroth back in high school, but that was years ago.

"Hahah, of course, Garte, I'll make sure to bake you and Zianna something some time soon," you told him.

"Hahaha splendid!" He said and took a sip of his drink, "Well I look forward to sealing the deal on this new project with you and your parents at another time. Maybe next time I can get my sons to meet you three as well."

"We would love to see them again," Melissa told Garte.

"Hahaha well until than see you three later," Garte said, got up, and left having other business to get to.

My Blueberry {Aaron's Sister}  (Dante X Reader) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now