Chapted 43

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Chapter 43

Title: Family

Mystreet Season 3 Episode 22 & 23

Word Count: 2345

(A/n: I was going to keep writing, but I'm going to be busy for the next 2 hours I think. So I'm just going to go ahead and post it now. Sorry for it being bad I promise next Chapter will be good.)



"Ahhh,"Melissa let out a relaxed sigh, "On days like this, ladies like me deserve to be pampered," she said to herself soon after her phone starts to ring. She sighed out in disappointment as she saw who was calling her, "of course. Well, all good things come to an end, I suppose," she said before answering her phone, "Hello?"

"Melissa. Darling!" Rachel, Melissa, Aaron and your mother, said through the phone when her eldest child answered, "Just checking in."

"Hey, Mom! I'm working hard. And you?" Melissa greeted back asking.

"Oh, you know me, working as hard as ever," Rachel responded back as she relaxed at a spa~

"Your taking a day at the spa, aren't you?" Melissa asked knowing.

"Hmm. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, now does it?" Rachel said back, "I bet you're probably at your favorite restaurant in that town, enjoying your favorite tea."

"How did you know that?" Melissa asked surprised that she knew.

"A mother just knows," she laughed, "Now, I know today is a business free day for both of us, But let's be serious, and get down to Family business."

"I kinda figured that's what this call was about."

"I've been watching your most recent productions, and I couldn't help but notice you got Aaron and (Y/n) to participate in one of them. How did you manage to get your siblings on the Diamond Chef? I must know."

"Well, it was mire so so to peer pressure. I had asked a lot of there friends to participate, since I was going for the average Joe cast of chefs, and that managed to sway Aaron to join and he brought (Y/n) into it as well!" Melissa explained to her mother.

"Aaron and (Y/n) have..... friends?" Rachel asked, "Oh! Well. That might be a problem."

"I know, it's making it hard to get them to move away from this town and bring them back home."

"Well, sweetheart. You're just going to have to try harder. Your father and I sent you out there to that nameless dump of a town to bring your siblings home. Trust me, we wouldn't have sent them to high school OR college there if we knew they would've plan to stay and never come home!"

"Mom... are you sure we need Aaron and (Y/n)? They've already expressed they don't want to be in the family business."

"Melissa, we do not need to go over this we? Now, your father and I sent you to get your brother and sister, and that's that. Do you understand how much money and time we invested into all three of yours, Aaron's, and (Y/n)'s future? That will not go to waste. Sending you instead of us to get them, now, that's doing them kindness! If your father and I have to go, we won't happy about it"

"Yes, Mom, I know, but it's not as easy as you think! Aaron and (Y/n) have-"

"Melissa, I don't want to hear anymore excuses. This was YOUR idea to go get them, and I expect you to follow through with your end of the deal. Now, Mommy needs to enjoy herself. I better see results in two weeks."

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