Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

Title: Hiding

MyStreet Season 6 Episode 2

Word Count: 2225


A/n: This chapter is mainly a filler but I swear it's gonna get good soon! Enjoy! :)



"Derek, if she chooses to leave, can I go with her?"   

The room was silent as Derek thought through the idea of the engaged couple sneaking back to their villa that they previously resided in. Looking at the chances of both of them being safe or not. 

"Dante, you don't have to, I don't want to put you in any more danger. I'll be fine on my own," you said turning to face your fiancee with concern and worry lacing through your eyes. 

Dante turned to look you in the eyes, a small smile on his face, grabbing your hand, "(Y/n)  don't forget we're a team now. It's you and me against the problem not you against me. I can't promise to fix all of  your problems, but I can promise you won't face them all alone," the bluenette placed his forehead against yours as tears went down your face, "I love you too much to let you go alone."

"Dante….." you muttered out. 

"So let me go with you, (Y/n)," Dante squeezed your hand gently, never breaking eye contact with you for a second.

Derek, too deep into his mind as his back faced the couple, continued thinking over the best solution. Dante going with (Y/n) wasn't a bad idea. They'd watch each other's backs while sneaking around, better chances to get away if caught, night shifts to keep watch while one slept and he nñknew if anything happened Dante wouldn't hesitate to protect his daughter neither one would hesitate if it was to protect the other.

Derek nodded his head to himself, finally made his decision, turning back around he would face his daughter wrapped in the bluenettes arms dried tear streaks on her cheeks as Dante rubbed her back comfortingly. 

"You can go with her, Dante," Derek announced, not questioning the scene in front of him having an idea of what happened.

Dante looked at Derek a small smirkish smile appearing on his face as he stared his future father-in-law in the eye, "Good because I wasn't taking no for an answer."


"You'll pay," A white haired male named Travis Valkrum threatened towards a GF that had pushed him to the ground not too long ago. His bangs causing a dark shadow across his eyes before he walked away after his bluenette girlfriend. 

"Anyone else!?" The Guard asked cockily towards the rest of the crowd of people that also wanted to know information wanting to get off the island and back home. The crowd of people cowered away leaving the GF and his two partners alone. 


A radio went off from one of the Guards signaling them of someone wanting to communicate with them.

"Bravo team! Come in!" Was heard from the radio.

"Bravo team reporting," the Guard spoke back into the radio.

"There have been reports of residence restlessness, any issues down at the dock?" 

"It's been taken care of, everythings under control," The Guard said back as we now focus on a man at a desk talking to said person in a secured building.

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