Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Title: Enjoy Life *Part 2*

Mystreet Season 5 Episode 35

Word Count: 2814



Derek had walked away, not looking at you. He just left, not wanting to talk with you. But in reality he just wasn't ready to talk to you about turning Dante or talking about his past. 

He just didn't have the heart to tell you about the people he used to be friends with. He could tell you about Zack, your physical therapist, Dante's Uncle, Aphmau's father. He could bear to see your reaction to find all that out, but he knew he had to tell you and he had to tell you soon because he could feel something bad was approaching. 

As he walked away your eyes turned sad. Your black and (F/c) tipped ears and tail dropped down. 

"(Y/n)?" Aphmau asked softly.

"Hmm," you replied back emotionless.

"Are you really thinking about turning Dante?" She asked. 

Aaron and Dante stood to the side watching Aphmau walk up to you. She placed her hand on your shoulder. You didn't tense or flinch at all when she did. You just told there, looking down.

"I know, I'm being a hypocrite. I yelled at Aaron for turning you, now look at me thinking of doing the same thing to Dante," you pause as a tear went down your face that no one could see, "But.. I don't want to lose him to an accident. I don't want to lose him to this stupid curse that my family has!" You yelled, turning around revealing your face tears streaming down one after the other, "I just can't bare to lose him like that!" You cried falling to the floor.

Aphmau dropped down with you, pulling you into a comforting embrasse. 

"You are not being a hypocrite, (Y/n), we understand. After what happened today, it makes sense that your opinion would have changed," Aphmau comforted rubbing your back as you cried into her shoulder. 

"I never thought something like this would happen that's why I didn't do it, but accidents happen. We can control everything that happens in our lives, but if I can prevent that from happening to Dante then I'll do it," You whimpered hugging the younger female closer, "But I don't want to make him feel like he has to agree. In the end it's still mainly his choice," you said looking at Dante and smiled at him. 

He smiled back. 

You and Aphmau pulled away. She smiled at you before getting up and letting Dante comfort you as she and Aaron left you two alone.

When they were gone you jumped up into Dante's arms wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist and cried into his chest as he stood there hugging you tightly.

Never letting go.


Everyone now sat at a table in the restaurant they were going to before the incident happened. Everyone sat there trying to make conversation but the atmosphere was too tense.

"Hmm, everyone seems too tense," Melissa said to herself looking around at everyone, "Gotta change that!" She stood up and waltzed over to Silvana and Erik.

"Hey, what's shaken' bacon!" Melissa chirped happily to the couple.

"My daughter… is a werewolf.." Silvana replied sounding still in shock from the news she had learned about that day.

My Blueberry {Aaron's Sister}  (Dante X Reader) {ON HOLD}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat