"Sweet and Sour."

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The next appointment they had with Dr. Lee involved lawyers and a lot of papers to sign. It was official, Jiang Yifei was now their surrogate mother. A few more days and Jiang Yifei would hopefully be impregnated. The dream would become reality and another chapter in their lives would soon begin.
So far, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai got to know Jiang Yifei. They learned what her habits were, her favorite foods, what type of music she listened to, her hobbies, and what type of guys she liked.
"Most of my relationships were failures." She said, sipping on a cup of tea.
Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai had stopped by her home after work and she had treated them to a meal and gifted them the fruit.
Bai LuoYin thought of the soldiers in his troop. There were a few he had in mind that would be perfect for her, but he quickly changed his mind. Those same soldiers needed to concentrate more on their training.
Gu Hai also thought of some possible suitors, but he changed his mind also because it would be unprofessional.
Bai LuoYin sipped his tea and placed it back down on the table. "I would like you to meet my father one day. Would you be interested in doing so?" He asked, hoping she would say yes.
Jiang Yifei thought for a moment. "I would love to, but wouldn't it be awkward?"
Gu Hai spoke next. "Bai Han Qi is the most reasonable and respectful man I've ever met. You'll love him."
Bai LuoYin shot Gu Hai a surprised look. Again, more praise from Gu Hai. He was beginning to like how his husband spoke about his family. He decided to say something nice about Gu Hai's father. "Gu Hai's father, Gu Wei Ting, is also very nice. One day you should meet him as well."
Gu Hai smiled over at Bai LuoYin. He knew that the gesture was from a good place. But he knew his father too well. Meeting Jiang Yifei probably would be uncomfortable for him. "Even though it would be nice to meet my father one day, he can be a very difficult man to understand. It would probably take some time." He informed her.
She nodded.
After tea, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai left. They reassured Jiang Yifei that the conception part of the surrogacy would go smoothly. There was nothing for her to be nervous about. It was a procedure that Dr. Lee had done a thousand times.
After they left though, Jiang Yifei sat on her shabby couch and cried. Even though they tried to sooth her nerves she was very afraid. This was the first time she had ever done something like this. It was not easy to feel calm. There were lots of things that could go wrong. She just prayed that it would all go smoothly and without any problems.
Jiang Yifei wiped at her tears as they fell endlessly. It would have been easier if she had a mother or a sister or even an aunt that she could have talked to, but she was alone. Not even a best friend to console her. She appreciated Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai's kindness. But yearning for some type of real family, a closeness only a family member could have given to her, made her feel sad. Someone with a blood relation to comfort her as she wept would have been nice.

The day after Yang Meng and You Qi had made love, they walked around in bliss. Holding hands whenever they got the chance, stealing kisses in You Qi's dressing room, eyeing each other as if they were two high school lovers.
For Yang Meng, it was nice. Experiencing all these things over with You Qi was a do-over, a chance to get reacquainted with his mind, body, and soul.
But for You Qi, it was heaven. Every time his lips connected with Yang Meng's, electric currents shot through his body and sent 'love' magic running through his veins. He truly felt as if the emotions he had for Yang Meng was what animated him. He felt blessed, and happy.
On a Monday, You Qi took Yang Meng to a water park. They got wet on rides and cuddled on a boat in the shape of a swan.
Tuesday, was spent with both of their families. They had cooked dinner at You Qi's apartment and it was a spectacular event. The family mingled well and noticed how happy they were together. It was the perfect time to tell each other's family members about their relationship.
To their surprise, it went well.
"Times are changing." Yang Meng's father said, as he hugged them both.
You Qi's mother and father cried, but they were both happy for them. They blessed their son and Yang Meng with happiness and health.
Wednesday, You Qi and Yang Meng played supporting roles as their best friends Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin attended Dr. Lee's seminar on new parents and their surrogate mother. It was very informative, and You Qi paid very close attention, just in case he wanted children in the future.
Thursday, and Friday, You Qi had flown him and Yang Meng to Thailand on a mini getaway. They lounged on the beach and ate yummy food.

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