"Fun Things To Do."

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That Saturday, everyone helped Yan Ya Jing pick out the best things for her wedding. Gu Hai, who had extravagant taste, helped her choose the invitations. The date was set for two months from that day. Bai LuoYin, who could bargain the best prices, helped her and Gao select the perfect place to have their wedding. You Qi helped drop the price of a 1902 Cadillac limo significantly, because he was such a huge celebrity. And Yang Meng, who chose the best bakery in China, picked out a three tier cake.
First, her invitations were silver and white, with white tool embedded within the paper. It was a flawless choice and she kissed and hugged Gu Hai and almost cried.
"Hey, that's my soon-to-be wife, you have your own!" Gao had jokingly said to Gu Hai.
Gu Hai had turned to Bai LuoYin and had given him the sweetest wink. "That's right!" He teased.
Bai LuoYin had frowned and punched him in the side from embarrassment, as everyone hollered, 'Ooh's and Aah's.'
The cake that was ordered was to be made of butter cream on one layer and whipped cream on the others. It was to be decorated with real red roses and edible pearls. The wedding venue was a huge reception hall that was adorned to look like the inside of a temple. It was perfect!
Gao had suggested a traditional wedding with a slight modern touch, so the hall had turned out to be the best choice.  
Next, they went to buy two gowns and a traditional wedding gown for Yan Ya Jing. Gao also picked out a couple of things with the help of Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai, who also purchased suits of their own for photos.
When they purchased their new clothing, they went to the dry cleaners to drop everything off to be cleaned. Then, they all had lunch together
The women ask Gu Hai about Gu Yang. They were curious about the man who had shown up and made things awkward.
"Gu Yang has always been there for me growing up," Gu Hai said, "I've always had his support."
Jiang Yifei nodded and Ying Yue gave him a blank expression.
"Sometimes my cousin can be very opinionated, but he cares a lot." He added.
Bai LuoYin sipped on his drink and listened to his husband speak. There were so many things that he could have spoken on that would expose Gu Yang for the snake he truly was, but he stayed silent.
Yan Ya Jing fiddled with the button on Gao's shirt so that she didn't have to say anything. She also felt that Gu Yang was a horrible person. But Gu Hai was her best friend as well as her business partner, she couldn't bring herself to say anything bad about him.
"Family means a lot to you," Jiang Yifei acknowledged.
He nodded. "My father and I didn't get along too much growing up. I was closer to my mother. After my mother passed away, I was always with my cousin. Our bond grew stronger over those years."
"Gu Yang seems to be a little overprotective when it comes to you," Ying Yue said.
Everyone looked at her, surprised that she actually said something.
Yes, protective enough that he wanted to kill and rape me, Bai LuoYin thought to himself.
When the waiter arrived with their food, they ate and continued to talk more about Gu Yang.
"Is he married?" Jiang Yifei asked.
"Not yet. But I'm sure he will be soon. He always has beautiful women surrounding him."
"How does he feel about you being in a marriage?" Ying Yue asked.
"I believe he is happy for me. My cousin only wants me to be happy."
"I'm sure it was hard for your family to except that you and Bai LuoYin love each other," said Jiang Yifei.
Gu Hai looked into Bai LuoYin's eyes and shared a moment.
Eight years.
Even though eight years had kept them apart, their family or friends couldn't have. Their love for one another was stronger than that.
Gu Hai smiled, as he continued to look at his beloved wife, he said, "They're learning to love us no matter what."
They enjoyed desserts next.
"I've read up more on pregnancy," said Gu Hai, "you both are going to have cravings soon."
Ying Yue rolled her eyes as she savored her sweet dish. "I think I'll crave this! It's so delicious!"
They all laughed.
"Whatever you crave, I'm sure the chefs can make it for you." Bai LuoYin said.
Jiang Yifei put her spoon down. She looked deep in thought. "Are you sure that it's not too expensive to have a maid and a chef. I feel like you two are doing so much already."
Bai LuoYin shrugged his shoulders, "It isn't much. We don't mind. We just want you two be well taken care of."
Gu Hai nodded. "Please, feel free to ask for anything that you may need. Small or big, do not hesitate."
Ying Yue was actually surprised by herself. She tried to think of something that she may need, but nothing came to mind. These two well mannered men had accommodated them with everything they could think of. They left nothing out! For men, gay men at that, they were very informed with womens needs. If they had been straight, they would have been perfect husbands.
Jiang Yifei saw thinking something very simliar.
Gao, who was observing their conversation curiously, took in all the information he had learned. So far, he liked the two surrogate mothers, and Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai were indeed great men. He admired the way Gu Hai took control of a situation. He also admired the way Bai LuoYin had this no-nonsense demeanor about him. He was glad that Gu Hai and Yan Ya Jing had a brother and sister relationship. She needed someone in her life that she could feel close to. He had a huge family. Her's wasn't. No matter though, he would try to fill that void. And he appreciated what Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin brought to the table.
They continued to gather things for the wedding. Flower arrangements for the tables, which were red and white, were ordered. The food that was to be catered was placed in advanced. And Gu Hai went to a few shops to gather games to play.

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