Let Me Kiss You

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Set in second grade

Archie POV

Well, that's it. I'm failing second grade. No recovering from that. Maybe I'm just dumb, who knows? The worst part about this entire ordeal is telling Betty and Jughead. We've all been best friends since she moved in next door and now we won't be in the same class. 

I decide to tell them during one particularly gloomy day's recess. A thunderstorm had set in, and lightning was part of it. The weather matches my mood, dark and angry. Pulling them over to the book corner, I say, "I have depressing, sad, end of the world level news." 

Betty, the responsible one, says, "Archie, what is it? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Because if they did-"

"Betts, calm down. Please. It's not that, I'm so dumb that they're going to hold me back next year. I'll still be in second grade while you two are in third grade." I say, frowning.

"No you will not, Archie Andrews. You, Juggie, and me are all going to graduate together, in the same year. I'm tutoring you, starting right now. Try to stop me, you won't succeed." she says, fire burning in her eyes. Oh God, Betty's determined. The last time this happened, I had to wear a dress for Halloween.

"I'll help you tutor him, Betty." Jughead says, thinking about something. Noticing that, Betty rubs his back in circles, helping him calm down. 

"Great! Now we'll all graduate together, go to the same college, and live right next door to each other. Our lives will be exactly as we planned them." she says, smiling. 


*3 Months Later*

"Well, Mr. Andrews, I must say, Archie's turned around quite nicely in his academic peformance, thanks to his friends Jughead and Betty. He's doing well enough that he can continue his academia to the third grade next year with all of his friends." Mr. Gladstone says, smiling. 

"That's awesome! I need to go find them, I'll be right back! They're going to be so excited! Yay!" I say- well, more of a shout, to be honest here. Running outside to the playground, I immediately see my best friends.

"Archie! Do you get to move up with us, since you're now passing the grade thanks to our awesome tutoring?"Jughead says, climbing off of the monkey bars.

"Yeperrooni! Mr. Gladstone said that he's impressed by my "sudden academic turnaround", whatever that means, and Betty's plan for us when we're grown ups still stands." I say excitedly. 

"Thank the gods, because otherwise, I would've been stuck in a college dorm with just Juggie. No offense, you know I love you, Jug, but your room is a disaster." she says, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, when did she start kissing your cheek?" I ask, as this is brand new information to me. "Do you two just keep things secret from me for no reason?"

"We didn't want you to worry, Archie. You passing the grade was our main priority, so we decided to keep our relationship a secret." Betty says, smiling. 

"Sorry we didn't tell you; but we wanted you to focus on moving on up with us." Jughead says, smiling. 

"It's okay, but don't make me feel like a third wheel, please." I say, running to the basketball hoop. "Anybody care to join me?" 

"I prefer football, Arch. But I'll still beat you, so sure. How's one game of horse, then winner picks what we do next round?" Betty says, putting her hair in its iconic ponytail.

"Works for me. Prepare to lose, Cooper." I say, smirking.


This was definitely a weird one-shot, but whatever. I'm running out of ideas, so comment yours! 

Later, loves, 


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