The Girl With The Bomb

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Main Bughead, Side Varchie because this has been added to a lot Varchie reading lists lately.


As a surgeon, they've been trained to do anything, if it can have a chance of saving their patients life. Most of the time, it's expected that it'll be something like a pro bono surgery, or do a procedure you think will save someone's life even if the chief of surgery says not to.

It's normal to stick your hand in a body when you're in surgery to prevent bleeders, but not when you're in the field. Especially not as a paramedic to stop the bleeding. You rush the patient to the hospital and hope they don't bleed out, even if you have to dress the wound. But you don't stick your body in the injury, not until it's been assessed by a surgeon or another medical professional at the hospital.

Well, of course, a paramedic did that. And then she freaked out when she realized that her hand was the only thing preventing the bomb from detonating. Betty Cooper tried to calm her down, but it didn't work.

The paramedic, Haidin, took her hand out of the chest, just for a minute. To keep the bomb from detonating, Betty stuck her hand in the chest. Her best friend, Cheryl, saw her do it. "Betty, no!"

"Too late for that, Cheryl. I can't take my hand out now, so it won't help if this whole hospital blows up and we all die. Now, don't you have to go to Jughead's surgery?" Betty asked, waving her friend away.

Cheryl sighed deeply, "Cooper, don't pull something funny and die. I'll be back here as soon as I can be. And, I'm certain that you'll be fine. But stop thinking about Jughead and I, and start thinking about you. You're my person."

"You're my person too. Now, go do your surgery!" Betty smiled at her person before she left the room.

As soon as the door behind Cheryl, Betty glared at the other doctors in the room, and the member of the bomb squad. "If any of you fuck up and kill me, I will never forgive you. So let's make sure I don't die because Cheryl needs me." The blonde conveniently left out the fact she needed Jughead, that she still wasn't over him. It didn't matter, she knew he was her future.


Josh. The new boyfriend of Betty and vet of Jughead and Betty's dog. Just his name made Jughead Jones want to throw up, and his wife was an OB/GYN. Besides, he worked at a hospital where bad things happened daily. Nothing good could ever stay that way, like Veronica showing up right when Betty had gotten past her issues and was ready to commit to something with him.

Of course, he had an obligation to try to fix his marriage, which had been broken when his best friend, Archie, and Veronica had started sleeping together. Veronica had tried to tell him that it was a mistake, one she made many times. There was even a point in which Veronica had been pregnant with Archie's kid, but she aborted it because of love for Jughead.

The pair's marriage was long over, but for some reason, they had just today signed the divorce papers. Jug still loved Betty, and Veronica had just wanted to do what he wanted, to make him happy. They'd given up on having a good relationship, and according to recent rumors, so had Josh and Betty. It still made him sick to his stomach to think about the two of them, him caressing her, going in and out, their bodies combined as one.

After getting that image out of his head and focusing on the patient's brain, since she's the only thing he has to worry about at the moment, he started his preparations. Or, rather, the only thing he should be worried about.

But when Cheryl, who's always on time and ready to go ten minutes early so she can get back to cardio, which is her favorite subspecialty, shows up ten minutes late for their surgery, he starts getting worried. And when he sees the look on her unusually tan face for a redhead, frightened and nervous, two things she never was, he started worrying even more. It's probably just about the girl with the bomb, he thinks. After all, she's got them all on edge. But this isn't normal Cheryl, even in this type of situation.

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