This Is Awkward...

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Falice because everyone ships them. :) Unless you're insane.


"FP, we have to tell the kids sometime that we're together. They're smart. They'll put two and two together," Alice says while in the Jones' home one morning. She'd slept over, and some things happened again between the high school lovers.

"Alice, I'm barely divorced to Jughead's mother. I mean, he definitely hates her, but also, our kids are dating! They're too smart for their own good, you're right about that, but if they get married that'd be weirder than everything else they've gone through," FP starts, shutting down the idea.

"If they do, and we date, so what? Sure, their kids may have some trouble figuring out what's going on and call incest, especially with this Charles business, but it doesn't matter," Alice says firmly, shrugging her shoulders.

"Betty hates her father, I don't want Jug to hate his. They've been through so much, do you actually think that they can take it? Their parents dating. They already have a shared brother, do you really think they need more weirdness in their lives?" Forsythe questions, not backing down yet.

"FP, if the kids don't know that we're dating and find out during one of their investigations, how do you think they'll feel? Honestly, it's like you're ashamed of dating me," Alice says, putting her hands on her hips.

"I see where Betty gets her determination from now," FP sighs, "But if it'll make you happy, fine. We'll tell the kids at dinner tonight," he says, defeated.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a batch of chocolatte cupcakes to bake," the former Cooper says, turning her attention to the measuring cups in front of her.

"What the hell is a chocolatte cupcake, Alice?" FP questions, uncertain of what to think.

"It's a chocolate cupcake with a little bit of caffiene in there. I call them chocolatte because they're better that way and the kids drink coffee now," Alice says, turning around to face him.

"Well, as great as those sound, what if we do something more fun instead?" FP says, bringing his lips to hers.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Betty and Jughead say in unison, very much confused. Startled, FP and Alice pull away.

"Alice, you want to tell them?" FP asks, receiving a death glare as an answer. "Okay then. Kids, Alice and I are dating. Again."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Bughead shouts as Archie comes through the door, confused.

"Why are they screaming?" he asks, crinkling his nose in the way that one does when they're confused.

"Falice has been reincarnated in this century, and shit just got weird," Betty explains as Kevin and Veronica walk through the door.

"WAIT, did my ears deceive me? Or did I just hear that Falice is a thing while Bughead is a thing and we have a mysterious brother who's an FBI agent of Falice? What the hell is going on in you two's lives?" Kevin and Veronica say in unison, deeply uncertain.

"This is what's happening today, but tomorrow will probably just get weirder, knowing us. And the fact it's Riverdale. I'm going for a walk. You guys want to join us?" Jughead says, halfway to the door.

"Yeah, let's go." the gang says, following behind him.


Well, the children didn't take the news well. Inevitably, when Bughead and Falice got married, and there were little Bughead babies walking around, they were confused. The Riverdale they were growing up in was about the same that the children had grown up in, living on the border of the Southside and Northside.

The adults would explain what'd gone on back then, and answered every question Lili and Madelaine had.


That was a dramatic chapter. And boring one. 

Later loves,


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