Seventy Two Hours

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*requested part two to Wedding Crashers*


A wedding within seventy two hours of getting engaged, complete with an ordained minister. That sounds impossible, I know, but it isn't. Not if you're Betty and Jughead. They drove to Lake Tahoe, talking about some arrangements while eating fries and chicken nuggets.

The decision had been made that they would both keep their last names. Betty had decided she was going to get a new dress, which took quite a bit more time than you would think. This wedding was going to have to be recorded so they could show all of their friends and families, which meant finding a videographer and a photographer in forty eight hours.

Luckily, Jughead was rich and had a lot of connections to people that would help with that, without telling his mother. Eloping took a lot of money and effort, they quickly realized. Thankfully, they were able to find everything, right before they had to check into their separate hotel rooms at a motel that was not in the best area.

Stumbling out of the car, drunk on life, Jughead pulls Betty into his side, admiring his blonde haired fiancé. She was perfect, and the one. He wasn't sure of much, but that was the one thing he was certain of. It was as if the two were in their own little bubble, which you couldn't pop. A premarital burst of serotonin and oxytocin, one could call it.

"Alright, I know it seems silly to you, but no premarital sex," Betty smiled, stopping for a moment to smile at her future husband.

Jughead sighed good-naturedly, "As in none, foot down, or as in none, but it's negotiable?" He wouldn't do anything she didn't want to, but still, he didn't really see the point.

The blonde smiled, "Foot down, Jug. It'll just make our wedding night that much more special."

Knowing damn well that he couldn't win this argument, he simply asked, "Can I at least kiss the beautiful woman in front of me?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, nodding. The brunet pulled her in for a long, time stopping kiss. It was as though he was trying to give her the best kiss ever, and he was succeeding. Then again, he always did with that. Never once did a kiss from him make her want to pull away, not even for air.

Oxygenation, however, made her pull away, earning a disappointed groan from the gorgeous man in front of her. "If we kept kissing like that, I would've forgotten about everything but kissing you. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright," Jughead agreed, letting her out of his arms. "Goodnight, Betty."

"Goodnight, Jughead." With that, she walked into her motel room, which was right next to his. They were oddly large rooms, perhaps to suffice the children that could stay here. It seemed like the kind of motel you would go to when you were going through a bad time, bring the kids.

Not even a minute later, Betty's door opened, as Jughead was walking toward his own. He turned around, "Did you need something?"

Her normally perky green eyes were more of a blue color than they normally were, meaning that she was either spiraling, being pleasured, or needed a kiss. Instead of answering, she dragged him to her room and locked the door behind them.


The next morning, they woke up at 9 am, late for the notoriously early risers. Their wedding was set for 11, which meant they had one hour to get ready, in their motel rooms. Separate hotel rooms.

Betty wanted, no needed, to fix her hair, considering that it was now a disaster. A curling iron, at least, was in her room, thank God. So, she could curl her hair and still get out the door on time.

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