They Don't Know About Us pt. 2

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Falice is about to be discovered


No one POV

After their romantic date at the movies, Bughead decided to start an investigation into their parent's affair.

Well, thought Betty, I knew Mom would move on from Dad eventually. Her father had died 3 years ago, and she missed him daily. Her mother didn't get out of bed for weeks, except to use the bathroom and get food. She was heartbroken. Betty was too, but she knew that her dad wouldn't want her to just nope around for the rest of her life, getting a pity party. So, she forced herself to go see a therapist, to get out of the house, to take care of herself as best as a thirteen year old could.

During that time, Betty practically moved into the Jones home, as the families were, and remain, very close. Jellybean, Jughead's little sister, is practically Betty's little sister, and Polly, Betty's older sister, is practically Jughead's older sister.

But, Jughead's parents were in an unhappy marriage. Until meeting and dating Betty, he had never seen or been in a healthy relationship. In middle school, sure, he dated, but none of the relationships lasted more than a few weeks, if that. And his parents certainly weren't a healthy relationship anymore, constantly fighting.

The dark-haired boy's parents had cheated on each other before, he knew that much. Hell, they were in the process of getting a divorce. This change was nothing new for the boy, who had coped with the fact that his parents weren't meant to be at the age of seven. His mom was in and out of the house since he'd been 13, there when his parents were in a good place, but most of the time living in her apartment on the Southside.

"I never thought our parents would be dating," Betty said to break the silence. It was a comfortable silence, but the blonde couldn't deal with it anymore. Silence, to her, would make he remind run wild. Left alone with her thoughts, no one knew what could happen.

"I just hope that they don't get married, or be that long term," Jughead replied, thinking. He knew that the girl next to him was his soulmate, no matter what the other's said. They were endgame. Jughead would marry this girl. He was certain of that. But if their parents were dating, too, that'd be too weird, even for him.

"I don't know, Jug. What if it makes them happy? My mom hasn't dated anyone since my dad died, so I think, if it makes her happy, and your dad happier, then I say, let them give it a shot. Who knows, they might be meant to be," Betty reasoned, being an optimist. After her dad died, Betty had become very close to her mother. She truly wanted the best for her.

"It's weird thought. I mean, if we date at the same time our parents are, isn't that a crime?" He responded, worried.

"Nope, since we're not blood related, as far as I know. Souls, yes, but blood, no," she smiled at her frowning boyfriend. Betty was a hopeless romantic, so saying something as corny as that was normal.

"You are hopelessly cliche, Betty Cooper, " Jughead smiled at his girlfriend.

"I'm aware," she smirked, kissing him quickly. "What do you say we go investigate our parent's dating life?"

"Sounds like fun to me," Jughead smiled, pulling into the driveway of the Cooper household.



Anyways, I spent the entire day interacting so now it's time to lick myself in my room for three days straight just so I can recharge my social batteries.

Later loves,


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