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Jughead POV

Great. I got Saturday detention by wearing my Serpents jacket to school. According to Principal Honey, that's not allowed to happen anymore, so since I was the only Serpent engaging in that civil disobedience, I get to spend an entire day at school. What joy.

Betty POV

Getting Saturday detention is NOT on my bucket list, but it happened anyways, so that's depressing. It all happened because I published an expose that exposed Auntie Blossom in an unflattering light, even though she admitted to being in charge of both the Gargoyle King and Black Hood events! 

Cheryl POV

At least this Saturday, we don't need to have a Game of Thrones-style takedown of the idiots Mother payed by being a night prostitute. These thing only happen in Riverdale, but the new principal said that my HBIC shirt is innappopriate.  At least I get to spend it with my cousin and business partner.

Veronica POV

Running a non-alcoholic speakeasy and handing out invitations to said establishment is no longer allowed, so I got Saturday detention. At least Dad's in jail, though we really do need to get him to a prison he doesn't own.

Archie POV

I'm trapped, all day, in the goddamn school, because I own a boxing arena and put flyers advertising it up on the bulletin board, you get in trouble. I could be making money right now, but no, now I'm trapped, LOSING money.

Third Person

Entering the detention room first is Betty, always punctual, if not early. Sighing, the blond beauty takes a seat in the third row of desks, where she has a perfect view of the principal's office. 

Five minutes pass and Veronica enters the room, carefully choosing a seat near Betty, but far enough away Archie won't try to talk to her. Giving her bestie a hug, the raven haired business lady says, "This is torture."

Soon enough, Jughead enters the room, confused. "What are you two doing in here? Shouldn't you be doing, I don't know, anything else?" His girlfriend points to the seat right next to her and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I got in trouble for exposing Mrs. Blossom, and Papa Blossom, for adopting Penelope as a child bride and then for her Black Hood and Gargoyle King schemes and she distributed invitations to Le Bonne Nuit's party tonight." Betty Cooper said, taking out her book.

"None of that is not allowed, Betty. Freedom of the press. Nana Blossom doesn't even read anymore, and she'd agree. She served as a child bride herself and pawn for Papa Blossom." Archie says, walking into the room and sitting in front of Veronica.

"Hey cousin and business woman. Why is the Serpent King here, along with the only non-Blossom in town that has red hair?" Cheryl says, sitting next to Veronica.

"Cheryl, Betty and I actually had a proposition for you, if you're interested, about the Pretty Poisons and Southside Serpents." the beanie-wearing boy says calmly.

"TT refuses to rejoin the Serpents after what you did to her, Jughead. You made us turn in our jackets. But, speak your proposition. I'm FaceTiming her right now so that she can hear and either agree." the red-headed girl says, pulling out her phone.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Toni says, smiling. 

"I'm here with everyone, and apparently the Serpent royalty want to talk to us about a gang proposition." Cheryl says, rolling her eyes as she points the camera to Jughead and Betty.

"Jones, I already told you, I'm not joining back up. You made me and Cheryl surrender our jackets. Yes, it's my legacy, but in no way am I joining." the pink-haired girl says, rolling her eyes.

"Topaz, it's a merger. If we join forces, there will be four presidents, Choni and Bughead. The Ghoulies, it's only a matter of time before they come back, looking for blood, the blood of both gang's. We won't take one groups; rather, we'll merge them and make a whole new gang. The Southside Poisons, or the Pretty Serpents." Betty says before her boyfriend does something they'll all regret.

"So, doing this is a security measure. There's strength in numbers, and all four of us- Cheryl, Jughead, Betty, and I are going to be the leaders of the Pretty Serpents, should we choose to accept. Have you consulted the Serpents? This should be put up to a vote." echoes through the speaker on Cheryl's phone.

"Yes, actually. We did consult them, and they agreed. If we don't do this, both gangs will perish. Nonexistent. The Ghoulies will take over this town, even without Penny Peabody." Jughead says firmly.

"How long do we have to consider it? I need to talk it over with my Poisons. And even if the gang is ready to join forces, will they listen to Cheryl and I? I know that our gang will listen to them if we say that they should, but the Serpents... can be very stubborn." Toni Topaz says, leaning toward saying yes.

"The end of the day. I know it's rushed, and there will most certainly be some errors, but the sooner this happens, the better. As for the stubbornness that has saved you more than once, I talked them down. Told them if we join forces, they all have to listen to the former Poisons and you two, especially, lest they be cut out of the gang and forced to turn in their jackets." Jughead says. "We can do a new tattoo, new jackets, new everything. That is, if you're willing to accept."

"Babe, what are your thoughts? The two of us can overrule the rest of the Poisons, but we can also put it up to a vote, should we choose to accept." Cheryl says to her phone.

"I say that I'm putting it up to a vote, laying everything out. I'll Face Time you when the vote's about to happen, Cherry. Later." floats throughout the room as Toni hangs up. 


Time Skip: three hours (Sorry, but I'm lazy!)

After an uneventful three hours, Cheryl's phone rings with a call from Toni. "We're about to do the vote, babe. Anything you feel it necessary to say?" the pink girl says jovially.

"Not at the moment. Any preconceived notions or bias?" the red adoring girl says, laughing. She knows how her Poisons will vote, and she knows how her Toni will vote.

"You already know, but since you're with Jughead and Betty, I'm going to start the vote." Toni says, switching the camera's orientation. "Poisons, since this is an important matter, we put it up to a vote: Join forces with the Southside Serpents for protection against the Ghoulies, getting a new name, new jacket, and tattoo? You have to listen to Jughead, Betty, Cheryl, and I, without bias or running to the other. No fights break out or you give up your jacket." 

"All for not joining forces and probably facing a sudden death, raise your hands!" Toni shouts, not putting up her hand. It's so silent in the room that you could hear a pin drop. No one raises their hand.

"All for joining the Serpents and coexisting, raise your hands!" Cheryl shouts, a bit too loudly, while raising her hand. The Poisons and Toni all raise their hands. "So, it appears that we are now... the Southside Poisons. I'll sketch the jackets and tattoo, along with logo. Bye babe." 


I have one more update for this, and then two more for Phases. This day is not long enough. See you in a few hours. 

Later, loves,


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