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In which a weird ass person (aka me) attempts to write a one shot on this Bughead.


Betty POV

I'm not the person who believes in soulmates, not at all. No, love is a choice.

Which is funny, because right now, my boyfriend is dumping me.

"Jughead, what do you mean, you think you found someone else? You say that this is purely chemical, but let's be real here, you chose her," I shout.

"I mean, Betty, that I have discovered my soulmate! And I'm sorry, but she's not you," he apologizes, using the same bs excuse he's been using.

"No, Jughead, I'm sorry. You have to choose love, it doesn't work in some chemical attraction bullshit like you're saying! There's no such thing as soulmates; you know this. You especially can't discover a soulmate after meeting them while you were at a bar. You're choosing to dump me for someone who's name you don't even know!"

"Really? This coming from the exact girl who told me one month ago that she believed in meant to be. Pick a side, Cooper," Jughead argues.

"I am! I don't believe in soulmates, but I think that there's something controlling all of this and that it plans for people to meet and fall in love," I say, stating the truth.

"Okay, Betty, I'll play into your games here. I'm choosing to stop loving you because I felt a chemical attraction with someone. Yes, I don't know what her name is, or if she's single, but she gave me her number! I know you don't like this but I'm asking you to at least accept it," he pleads and I roll my eyes.

"This is your choice, Jughead. I'm not going to be here for you when you find out that this mystery girl is in a relationship or lesbian or doesn't like you or dumps your ass. You're choosing to give up on this for some girl you don't even know," I inform him before getting him a box.

"I know you won't, Betts. I'm not an idiot. Would you like to-" he starts.

"No, Jughead, we're not gonna be besties or any of that crap. We'll stay in our friend group and be cordial, but I don't really want to have any one on one time with you anymore. It'll be too hard," I interrupt before leaving the apartment. It was mine before he moved in, so he's crashing with Archie for a little while until he finds his own apartment.

I take a long walk to Veronica's and the fresh air helps keep my mind off of what just happened. I'm surprised that I didn't cry, but I know the second I get to her house I'll be bawling my eyes out.

"Hey V," I call when I enter her house. I don't think I ever knocked on her door, I just enter and announce my presence.

"In my room," she shouts and I walk up the stairs to where her room is and join her on her bed.

"So, remember when we went to the bar last week?" I ask her and she nods.

"Well, apparently, Jug had a chemical attraction to some girl, and he just dumped me for her. His soulmate, he said. Blah blah blah. I told him I'm not going to be there for him when he gets rejected because she's a lesbian or dating someone or doesn't like him or dumps him," I explain, and tears form slowly in my eyes.


It's been two months since Jughead and I broke up, and I'm sort of over it. By that, I mean that I'm no longer crying over him, but I still miss him.

Today, there's going to be a party Cheryl's throwing and so we're all going. It includes Jughead, but maybe I'll meet his soulmate or whatever the hell he called that girl.

"Betty! Get your ass downstairs before I leave without you!" Archie shouts and I get off the couch, pulling on my shoes, and hop in the passenger seat of his truck.

"Shut up and drive," I command when he finally gets in the truck. "You also might want to wipe the lip gloss off your face."

"You're the worst," he sighs dramatically before using a napkin to wipe off the lipgloss.

"Why the hell am I in the back?" V protests from the backseat.

"Cause we're picking up Jug and I don't want to sit next to him," I reply, reminding her of the agreement we came up with last week.

"Right. Speaking of him, we're at his new apartment," Archie announces, pulling out his phone to text Jug.

When he enters the car, there's not a vibe change like there used to be, it's just the old vibe from high school.

"So, how'd your date last week go with Girlfriend?" I ask, pretending not to care.

"I mean, she told me that she's gay, so not great, but at least she's not afraid to be herself," Jughead frowns, and I mentally cheer.

"Told you that you two weren't meant to be," I smirk victoriously.



Later loves,


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