Forced Marriage

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Bughead hate each other here in the beginning, but their parents are friends.


No One POV

"Betty, get your ass downstairs! We have to go meet with the Jones'," Alice Cooper called to her twenty-two year old daughter one cloudy September day.

Betty groans, loudly, from her bedroom before grabbing her phone and earbuds and leaving. If she has to see him, it's going to be on her own terms.

"Mom, do I have to go? You know exactly how it's going to end: with me in a fight and him about to lose his mind," Betty pleads, wanting desperately not to see her sworn enemy. They haven't liked each other since middle school, where they were in a (self proclaimed), toxic relationship. It only lasted half of sixth grade.

"Yes, you do. Jellybean was asking for you a few weeks ago, and she said that she wishes you would go over more often, or she could come over more often," Alice reminded the blonde, lying through her teeth. What was about to happen was part of a deal she had made in high school, before Betty was even a thought. It was a stupid deal, one that she had all but forgotten about when Fred Andrews and Hermoine Lodge called her up to remind her and FP of their deal.

But alas, Betty couldn't know about this. She would probably run away, live in a nude colony, or get kidnapped. There were endless possibilities, and Alice was confident that none of them would happen. Why? Because both of the kids were finding out at the same time, and both are being forced into it.

Pop's Chock-Lit Shoppe wasn't a far drive at all from the Cooper home, and so the pair frequented the restaurant. Polly and Charles, Betty's older siblings, had never joined them for some reason.

Betty was catching Alice up on all of the latest gossip happening at college with her friends. Relationship drama, actual fist fights, which Alice didn't know still existed, and lots of ramen was the majority of the stories.

"Now, Betty, you and Jughead will have to sit next to each other when we get in. No complaints. You will behave, and not cause a scene," Alice warns her youngest before walking in the door to their favorite booth.

"But Mom," Betty pouts before being sent a glare. "Fine. But if he leaves with a black eye, I did nothing."

"You worry me, child," Alice sighed before giving the Jones' a hug.

"Hi, Betts," Jughead snarled condescendingly, and Betty flipped him off subtly.

"Hello, Juggie," she replied, in the exact same bitchy tone. Neither of them wanted to be here.

"So, I'm going to cut to the chase here: Jughead and Betty are getting married in one year," FP declares, and instantly shouts of protest come out of both of the children's mouths.

"This is because of a bet we made in high school with Fred and Hermoine. We all said that if we had kids the same year and stayed in town, they would get married in pairs: Fred and Hermoine, and FP and I. If it's any consolation, Archie and Veronica are getting married as well," Alice explains, and their eyes widen.


Part 2?

Later loves,


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