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Idk how this is gonna turn out, but it's Bughead since y'all seem to love them.


Unknown: Hi, babe

Jughead: ...

Unknown: Arch, it's Betty.

Jughead: Who's Betty?

Unknown: Your girlfriend? Archie, stop being an idiot.

Jughead: I'm not Archie; I'm Jughead.

Betty: Whomst tf is Jughead?

Jughead: The dude you just texted ;)

Betty: Don't winky face me, asshole.

Jughead: Well you seem fun.

Betty: You'll never know

Jughead: sUrE

Betty: Well, isn't someone joyous?

Jughead: I'm only as joyous as your sarcastic ass

Betty: I have a feeling were going to be friends

Jughead: Mayhaps


Betty: I'm sCrEaMiNg.

Jughead: ?

Betty: My gbf™ just got him a mans

Jughead: Good for him

Betty: You jealous?

Jughead: Of some random white boy with a new bf? Hell nah

Betty: stfu

Jughead: I'm straight, tyvm

Betty: So am I

Jughead: I kinda assumed that when you texted me thinking I was your bf

Betty: Ugh, him

Jughead: Trouble in paradise?

Betty: His ass was cheating on me

Jughead: Oof

Betty: What are you, seven?

Jughead: A very dirty minded seven year old mentally

Betty: smh

Jughead: Am I not to agree with you?

Betty: yEs

Jughead: weirdo

Betty: y e s

Jughead: You may be drunk

Betty: Nah, just pissed at Arch

Jughead: I'd beat his ass, but I prob don't know him

Betty: why would you do that?

Jughead: No one deserves to be cheated on

Betty: I take it your had an experience with cheating?

Jughead: You don't wanna hear my sob story

Betty: Oh, but I do

Jughead: My dad cheated on my mom, she cheated on him, they cheated on my first stepparents with each other, that cycle repeated until my mom died.

Betty: :( 🤧 I'm a cold hearted person, but that made me sad

Jughead: And then my girlfriend cheated on me with her current girlfriend, because she realized she was a lesbian.

Betty: I want to give you a hug now

Jughead: Don't pity me

Betty: I'm not.

Jughead: LIES

Betty: You need help

Jughead: Yes


Jughead: Remind me to stop dating for all of eternity

Betty: Why?

Jughead: My girlfriend just dumped me bc I'm too "weird and into writing."

Betty: Sorry kid.

Jughead: I'm older than you

Betty: No you're not

Jughead: Yes I am

Betty: Oh shit, you are

Jughead: So, any new boys?

Betty: Nah. They're all either taken or in a cult

Jughead: Damn, that cult shit don't happen in Toledo

Betty: Well, it does in Riverdale.


Betty: I heard a rumour that my mom's boyfriend from high school, FP Jones, is moving back into town with his son Jughead.

Jughead: You asking if I confirm/deny it?

Betty: Correct, sir

Jughead: It is true

Betty: That's good, because now I can tell him what I want to.

Jughead: And what is that?

Betty: That I have a crush on you

Jughead: How strange, I also have one on you.


Merry Christmas Eve

Later loves,


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