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Okay, so this is Bughead.


From the age of three, Betty Cooper had fantasized about the day she would meet her soulmate. No other kid was as interested in it as she was; they all had sports and other activities going on. 

Her best friends, Cheryl and Veronica, listened as she told them about every piece of new information she had discovered, and aided her in finding out about everything possible about soulmate tattoos. 

Crushes would never pass easily for the blonde; she would wonder for months on end if her crush was on her soulmate. Maybe the two of them had matching tattoos, she had no clue. Fantasizing about her crush being her soulmate was one of her favorite pastimes, even when she knew it was impossible.

Soulmate tattoos were given on a person's sixteenth birthday and were the most important things they would ever have. They went on the inside of people's wrists. The tattoo image would be generated by the artist's mind; they sensed the tattoo each person needed. Tattoo artists were held in the highest esteem.

On the fateful day of her sixteenth birthday, she happily went to the tattoo parlor for her soulmate tattoo. It was the most exciting day of her entire life; she was going to get the knowledge of who her soulmate is from this tattoo. 

She ended up with a small, blue butterfly tattoo that day, and was overjoyed at the beauty of it. It was then that Betty decided that she was going to be a tattoo artist. 

The following day at school, Betty didn't choose to cover up her tattoo like many of her classmates did; she proudly wore hers, uncovered, showing it to anyone who wanted to see it. 

By lunchtime, seventy people had seen her tattoo, and all of them had gushed about its beauty, but none of them were her current crush, Jughead Jones. He had, of course, heard about her tattoo, but, in typical fashion for the misunderstood teenage boy, didn't go up to her to see it. 

Well, that was about to change. At lunch, while talking with Cheryl, Veronica, Kevin, Archie, Toni, and Reggie, Jughead approached the group and asked, "Can I talk to Betty for a moment?" He was a part of their group, but never asked to pull one of them away. He normally just sat down next to the boys, partaking in conversation with dark humor and sarcastic remarks. 

The blonde shared a confused glance with her friends before agreeing, standing up and following him to the library. No one else was in the library at lunch, just them. He looked nervous, slightly concerned even. "Juggie, what's going on?" Betty asked and he sighed. 

"Your tattoo- it's a small, blue butterfly, right?" He asked. Betty nodded and looked up in concern at the boy she had fallen for. 

"Yeah; do you want to see it?"

"No, no, I don't have to. Just-" Jughead pulled up the sleeve of his Serpents jacket and showed her the inside of his wrist. An identical tattoo lied there.


I'm not sure where I was going with this

Later loves,


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